What is this Feeling?

Start from the beginning

"Excited to get to go this time?" Suga asked with a smile. The first year nodded frantically. Tanaka laughed, and slapped the redhead on the back.

"Good, good! Save your excitement and channel it into energy! We will have to work hard to win." The second year said with determination. The group climbed on the bus, and Shouyou found himself sitting next to Kageyama.

"Hey! What are the teams like?!" Shouyou asked excitedly. The setter's face twitched into a frown.

"Very strong. It will be good to have a libero this time. And be ready for their blocks." The dark haired boy started to tell Shouyou about the other teams in Tokyo. With each thing he learned, the redhead got more and more excited. Each and every game filled the boy with joy. As awesome as it was to spend time with Nishinoya a few weeks ago, he was relieved that he got to join this time.

The training camp was everything Shouyou hoped for and more. The teams were incredibly powerful. Kenma was as smart as ever, and learning from Bokuto-san was the best! Despite losing a lot, Shouyou was grateful for the chance to learn from these powerful players. There was nothing better than the feeling of improving at volleyball.

However, Shouyou had noticed something strange about the week. Like always, the team encouraged each other and gave one another tips on how to improve. They watched each other closely to grow as a team. It was normal.

But something about having Nishinoya's eyes on him did things to Shouyou. When the libero praised him, it was as if the first year could do anything. He also found himself slightly nervous when the older boy watched him. Shouyou didn't know why. Maybe it was just because Nishinoya-san was so cool! Of course having someone that cool praise him would make Shouyou blush.

The weirdest moment by far was after making a killer quick attack, Shouyou's first instinct was to turn around and see if Nishinoya had seen. When he found the libero beaming back at him, Shouyou felt on top of the world. Or maybe it was just the high he got from executing a good attack. Shouyou frowned, and turned to Kageyama, who raised an eyebrow. Dammit, what was going on inside Shouyou's head?! Sure, Nishinoya was his friend. But there was no way his smile was causing Shouyou to feel this way. Definitely not. It had to be the awesome spike!

It was the night before the last day of training camp. Shouyou was waiting for his turn in the showers, and sitting with Yachi by the window. Tsukishima and Kageyama were arguing over in the corner, and Yamaguchi was reading a book on his futon. Yachi was currently working on something in her sketchbook, that Shouyou could not see from this angle. The girl was truly a talented artist, and the redhead was glad that they were friends.

"What are you working on?" he asked the new manager, and leaned in closer. The girl startled, and ended up throwing her sketch book onto the floor.

"AHH! Shouyou, how were you so quiet? And it's nothing! Nothing at all..." she waved her hands and moved to pick up the sketch book. However, Shouyou, being a gentleman, had already picked it up for her. As he handed it back, he got a glimpse of the work in progress. It was clearly a girl, staring off to the side of the paper, with glasses propped on her nose.

"Is that Shimizu-san?" Shouyou asked. Yachi went bright red and rapidly shook her head. Shouyou tilted his head in confusion, and the girl let out a sigh and nodded.

"Yes...it is. She just looked really pretty today and I wanted to attempt to capture it." The blonde admitted softly. After a second the girl seemed to realized what she had said, and the blush returned.

"Oh gosh please don't think I'm a creeper or a stalker I just can't help it Kiyoko-san is so kind and impressive and pretty and smart-" she began to ramble.

"Yachi..." Shouyou interrupted. "It's not creepy, I promise! You are so talented! I am sure Shimizu would love to see your art work even!" he encouraged his friend. The girl shook her head so hard it looked painful, and her red face turned quite pale.

"NO! Then she would know that I like her!" Yachi whispered fiercely. Shouyou's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped as he processed this information.

"Wait! You like Shimizu-san? Really?! Since when?!" he exclaimed. Yachi shoved her hands over the redhead's mouth. Looking around frantically, she was relieved to see Tsukishima and Kageyama still arguing. Yamaguchi, however, had looked up at the ruckus.

"It's okay, Yachi. I won't tell if you don't want people to know." The other boy promised and the blonde slumped in relief. Turning back to Shouyou, she slowy took her hands off his face once she was sure that he would not shout.

"I don't know when really. I just admire her a lot, and think about her a lot. Her opinion of me is really important. One day I woke up and realized the feelings were more than just friendly. I...really like Kiyoko san. She is amazing." Yachi finished softly.

Shouyou nodded slowly. After having it pointed out, it made sense. Yachi did look at the older manager like she was the coolest thing in the room a lot. The two sat in silence for a while, observing the other first years. Finally, Yachi let out a sigh.

"Have you ever liked anyone, Shouyou-chan?" the girl asked him. The redhead furrowed his eyebrows, thinking hard. He didn't think so.

"I don't think so...I don't know, I have just always been focused on volleyball. Sure, there are people I admire, but in a friendly or sportsmanship like way." He told his friend. Yachi laughed softly at this.

"Ah I wish I could have that kind of focus. I'm a total mess around Kiyoko-san. But despite that, whenever she is around I get the feeling that everything is okay. Like it is impossible to have a bad day as long as she is there." Yachi told Shouyou.

The first years were called to the showers before the conversation could continue, but Yachi was glad she had gotten the chance to talk to her friend. It was good to let her feelings out.

The last day was going to be brutal. Karasuno's team was exhausted after a hard week of playing. They had worked hard and improved a lot, but they were about to reach their limit. However, all of that changed when Daichi became their savior by delivering the wonderful news: There was a BBQ! Maybe there was something worth fighting for! Surely the day could not be too bad with such amazing food!

As Shouyou celebrated this wonderful news, he found himself dancing and singing with Kageyama, Tanaka, and Nishinoya. This break, this light at the end of the tunnel, was just what the team needed. Shouyou felt invincible. He laughed as he watched Tanaka's stupid dance, and felt something inside of him go soft when he saw Nishinoya's large smile.

Shouyou was a part of a wonderful team. Playing with them this week had been amazing, and a wonderful BBQ was the perfect way to finish things up. Shouyou's gaze naturally fell onto the libero as the group continued to cheer, and for just a split second the redhead forgot about the games, and the meat.

"But despite that, whenever she is around I get the feeling that everything is okay. Like it is impossible to have a bad day as long as she is there." He recalled Yachi's words from the night before, and Shouyou's smile changed from wide and excited to soft, and a little resigned.

Of course today would be good. How could it not, when Nishinoya Yuu was there with him?

A/N: I hope you are enjoying it so far! I love the dynamic of this ship. Also, Yachi definitely had a crush on Kiyoko even if it never went anywhere. She was always a blushing mess around Kiyoko XD

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