The car ride itself was an adventure to be shared. It consisted of the three Kim's belting out the lyrics to some childhood shows that the kids really enjoyed. Meanwhile, I was just laughing the whole time and recording it because seeing Taehyung passionately sing out the Mickey Mouse theme song is just something I can't not have on camera.

We arrived at Hangang Park, the beautiful sun glistening down right on top of us.

Kangmin and Kanghee took my hands and swung them back and forth goofily as they pranced around in happiness.

"Wait guys pause. I'm going to take a photo," Taehyung said.

I snorted, "Oh my god, you're so gonna become one of those photo dads. The ones that make everyone stop every five minutes because they want one of those dad pics. Ahh you're such a dad Tae!"

He stuck his tongue out at me, "You don't say. Just shush and pose."

I bent down to the kids' level and smushed them close to me, smiling brightly as the kids acted like goofballs beside me.

I noticed Taehyung smiling fondly at the picture.

"Is it good?" I questioned.

He smiled gently, "You have such a pretty smile baby."

I blushed, "That's coming from you Mister-ridiculously-handsome-and-cute-face-with-the-cute-smile-that-just-makes-my-heart-go-ugh."

He smirked, leaning in close and wrapping his hands around my waist. I shut my eyes instinctively and melted into his gentle kiss.

"Oh my god! No mouth eating! We have to go play!" Kangmin whined exasperatedly.

I choked, "A-alright. No mouth eating."

I grinned cheekily before scooping Kangmin in my arms and taking off running with him.

Taehyung followed closely with Kanghee in his arms.

The euphoric sounds of the kids' giggles filled my ears with sheer happiness as the four of us sprinted towards the river.

Once we set the kids down, they went crazy. They climbed trees, played tag, and befriended more tiny children than I can count.

It was like they were running on an endless battery of happiness and energy.

Meanwhile, Taehyung and I sat close by to keep an eye on them as they socialized but we were more or less glued at the hips.

I rested my head on his shoulder while watching the kids play in the distance.



"I've got something I wanted to share with you. I've kind of quietly been working on it as a side project and I wanted to show it to you first," he said.

I tiredly glanced up at him, "Okay. Show me. Wait, let's get the kids. I'm sure they'd want to see it too."

Taehyung pouted, "No I'm shy."

I rolled my eyes, "They're your offspring Taehyung. There's no point in being bashful with them of all people."

He sighed, "Fine. But make sure they don't laugh at me."

I giggled at his childishness while he called the kids over.

They had been playing for a while so they both tiredly collapsed in my lap.

I ran my fingers through their hair while watching Taehyung nervously fidget.

He got out his phone and started playing a beautiful recording of a piano melody. It wasn't one I had ever heard of before.

What surprised me the most was when Taehyung started singing. His deep voice beautifully serenading us to an equally beautiful melody.

The minute he began singing, I was enraptured in his performance. His voice, the melody, the lyrics, everything about the song was striking a chord deep within me.

My eyes were locked onto Taehyung and his gazed right back at me as if I was the person he was singing this song to.

The kids had sat up in attention and quietly and in awe watched their father sing his heart out.

His song took me to a faraway place. A paradise where the four of us could live happily and in peace. I envisioned a cold winter night where we were all curled up by a fireplace, listening as Taehyung poured his heart out into each word.

His eyes had this ethereal sparkle in them as he sang. This was the passion he had so willingly gave up to be there for his children. But I could tell just how much he loved it. As much as he loved his children. This was his passion.

The song finished with a beautiful piano and violin end signifying that he was done.

The kids burst into applause and ran over to Taehyung to hug him but I was in so much awe that I could barely move.

My eyes became glossy as I processed what had just been sung to me.

"Aww! Why are you crying mommy?" Kanghee cooed, running over to hug me.

I held her tiny body close, stroking her long hair in an attempt to avoid eye contact with Taehyung.

But when a massive towering shadow appeared over Kanghee and I, it seemed my avoidance was short-lived.

Kanghee knowingly got off, leaving me under the weight of Taehyung's gentle gaze.

"Why are you crying?" He asked warmly.

He extended his hand to me and helped me get up. But I didn't let go and instead embraced him in a massive hug. It caught him off guard, but he quickly wrapped his arms around me, letting out a low chuckle.

"Hey~ Don't be like that. I wrote it just for you and the kids," he hummed.

I huffed, "That's gonna make me cry more you idiot."

He let out a breathy laugh, tightening his embrace on me.

"'re my beautiful story and you're my best part. Never forget that."

My everything. That's what's Taehyung was to me. That's what the kids were to me too. They were my everything. And I wouldn't trade them for the world.

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