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It's been a day since I last spoke with Fred, I miss him but I'm not ready to talk about what happened. I will call him after my date today. I'm so excited about it and equally nervous. I was really glad to see Dave's reply this morning.

Hey,I will come pick you up in a couple of hours. Dress in your causals okay. See you later

I was a little sad with the change in dress code but the thought of him coming to pick me up was already erupting butterflies in my stomach.

I made straight to the bathroom and washed up. I quickly got dried and threw on some jean shorts and a black oversized turtleneck with a white sneakers. I sat by my dresser straightening my hair for close to two hours. I did some light make up and topped it up with a nude lipstick. Who said being a girl was easy?

"He's here" Tracey squealed in excitement. "He's so cute.How come I haven't met him?"

"I'm glad you haven't." I said chuckling. I felt nervous walking towards the door knowing he's standing behind it.

"How do I look?" I asked staring at Tracey

"More beautiful than myself but just a little." She said gesturing with the tip of her fingers. To be honest, Tracey is beautiful but crazy as well. I know she was somewhat spoilt and she hated people who were more beautiful than her. I wondered why she was still friends with me,you know what I mean?

I took a deep breath and then opened the door to reveal Dave standing with a wide smile spread across his face. I stared longer than I should and his smile should be held responsible. He was putting on a blue Jean trousers and a white polo shirt underneath a black blazers.

He looked really handsome.I took in his perfume and all I wanted at that moment was to bury myself in his embrace.

"Wow!" We both muttered at the same time. He kept staring at me and it made my inside queasy. A slight blush appeared on my cheeks and I mentally begged the cupid god not to turn me into a human tomatoes by the end of the day.

I waved at Tracey before settling down in his car. I had no idea where he was taking me but like Fred advised, I'm going to let him take the lead. I do have a couple of things I wanted doing with him though.

The drive was quiet but he kept stealing glances at me while driving. If only he knew what his presence alone was doing to me, he wouldn't stare at me like that.

"So What's your major?" He asked breaking the silence.

"I major in biochemistry but I do have a few borrowed courses."

"So we are in the same faculty? How come I haven't seen you around? " he asked rather amused

Well maybe because you are this weirdo who only shuttles between class and the library and forgets everything else. I didn't say that out loud,it was all in my head. Dave never hung around much. He barely mingles with people,I only get to see him when he's coming out of a lecture hall or when he's going to the library. At first it was coincidental but later...I won't say much.

"I ask myself that question everyday." I said chuckling. He looked at me and started laughing too. His hand grazed over mine and it lingered there for seconds, almost as if he wanted to hold my hand. Maybe I am over thinking things.

"So where are we going?" I asked breaking the tension between us.

"We are going to a private beach in lekki. Atican beach resort." He said smiling.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed in excitement."I have always wanted to go to the beach. I had a bucket list of amazing spots to go to in Lagos and the beach was one of them.

We got to the resort on time and after settling with the cashier at the gate, we walked in and I took in the awesome view of the resort. It was beautiful. I checked my wristwatch and it was some minutes past 8PM.

I squealed in excitement the second my eyes met a jumbo rainbow panda.

"I need him! He's mine!" I screamed as we walked over to the game booth

"He can be yours if you hit these cups down." The worker said, handing me three tennis balls and pointing to three cups seated far away from us.

"You can do this Kween." Dave encouraged as he handed the worker a thousand naira note. He beamed at me and a sudden surge of confidence coursed through my body.

I closed one eye in an attempt to line up my target. I shifted my body weight backwards and then forward,remembering how those boys aimed at cashew nuts when we were little kids. I leaped forward, releasing the ball towards my target. With hope in my heart, I watched as the ball flew over the cups missing the target. What a shame.

"Dave please help me." I pouted,surrendering the remaining tennis balls to him. He seemed rather uncertain but he took the balls from my hand and aimed at the cups. He leaped forward, releasing the ball as we watched the ball demolish three of the cups at once.

In excitement I jumped up and crashed into his arms. His arms wrapped around me sent a trail of another set of butterflies in my stomach.God, the crazy things my flesh does without the guidance of your Spirit is beyond me.

I squealed in excitement as the worker handed me the jumbo panda. It was almost the same size as me. He stared at me in awe as I clutched to the stuffed animal.

"Where to next?" I asked with excitement evidenced in my voice. I'm having fun already. He stretched out his hand for me to take and I did almost immediately.

"Let's take a walk." He said smiling down at me. He held unto my hand firmly as he led the way to a patio around the corner. It was getting more windy and the cold was getting to me.

"Hey, come here," he said as he handed me his blazers to put on. I smiled at him and mouthed a thank You. I turned to face him again but his eyes were already on mine. He stepped closer, his hands snaked it's way to my waist and mine instinctively hooked around his neck. Our faces were inches away from each other. The world felt like it stopped moving and it was just us in the moment. Butterflies coursed through my stomach, actually,scratch that. Eagles were soaring in my stomach.

His eyes landed on my lips and my heart beat sped up as he tried to connect our lips. Suddenly his demeanour changed from a lustful look to a petrified expression. It was as if he was finding it difficult to breathe.

"Dave are you alright." I said holding on to him for balance.His response wasn't audible but he was trying to dail a number from his phone. He collapsed and fell on the floor,leaving me flustered and scared.

"Dave! Dave!" I screamed as I tried to wake him up but all to no avail. "Somebody please help!"...

Another long chapter! I was feeling really dizzy while writing this chapter so please do forgive the errors. Thank you for reading. Do vote and comment

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