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nandini she just left the house with her bags and her documents , passport  and she dont know where to go she was completely blank . she never ever expected in her life that a day will come when her own parents will disown her . 

manik left from that place and sat in the car and he was confused where to go and was sad , anger all the emotions were there in him and he started his car 

nandini was walking lifelessly not knowing where to go and she came on the road and she was not looking any where and she was crossing the road and a car hit her 

manik was driving the car and saw a girl who was crossing the road and he was honking horn but also the girl was not listening and manik was on the speed and he put all his force to stop the car but the car hit her but thank fully it was not that major accident and he came out from the car and saw a girl who fell and went near her and he made her get up thankfully there are no major wounds but her hand and her forehead got a slight cut and she was unconscious and he was blown by her beauty she was looking so innocent and there are some tear marks on her face and he immediately lifted her up in his arms and made her lay on the back seat of the car and he took her one bag and a sling bag and kept those in the car and he drove to the hospital . 

manik reached the hospital  and he lifted her and he went inside the hospital and he immediately called the doctor and the doctor knows the manik so he did not ask any further questions and he said to manik to lay her on the bed and manik did as doctor said . 

doctor checked her and asked the nurse to clean the wounds and do the dressing 

man: what happened doctor ? is she fine ? 

doct: nothing to worry , she is fine and the wounds are not so deep and we will keep her one day observation . 

manik signed in relief 

doct: who is she manik i have never seen her before with u 

man: i to dont know uncle and he said all what happen 

doct: manik inform her parents 

manik nodded and he came out near his car and searched for her  mobile , or any number of her parents but he did not get any kind of that stuff . and he thought that he will wait for her to gain conscious then he can inform them about her so he went inside the room where nandini is shifted and he sat on the near by chair and like that only he slept as he was tired from the morning encounter . 

he woke up with the vibration of his mobile and he saw the display "MOM " calling so he went near the window and he answered the call 

man: hello mom 

nyonika - hello beta where are u , from morning u did not call me and just now dad came to know that u are in hospital , why ? are u alright ? what happen to u ? 

man: mom mom wait i was kinda busy from morning and i am absolutely good and he said what happened to him from morning and nandini accident 

nyo- what!! are they crazy , u are fine right 

man: yes maa i am good but i need some time to get back to myself 

nyo- whose is she , is she fine 

man: yes maa , she is unconscious but doctor said that she will be up in some time and strange is that she is not having any family number or name . and by looks we can say that she is from good well settled family only maa 

nyo- hmm lets wait for her . 

man: ok maa i think she is up i will talk to u later 

nyonika- okay beta , give me updates , take care 

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