He raises an eyebrow, "Does that fact matter?" There's a bit of shuffling coming through Sebastian's bedroom door.

My lips purse in thought, "Depending on how the victim views it, yes."

He makes a humming sound, thinking to himself, "I would say two weeks grounding."

I bite my bottom lip, staring at the ceiling. "What if said crime offers entertainment for everyone except the victim."

My mother scrunches her face in confusion while everyone else just watches the back and forth between my father and I. "How entertaining?"

I can't fight the smirk on my face, "Depends if he shampooed and conditioned."

"How about I yell at you in front of him and we call it a day?" He asks holding his and out to shake mine.

My hand grips his firmly and I give him my sweetest smile, "Deal, a pleasure doing business with you."

Since my dad is occupied, Maddie slowly opens my door and throws the bag inside, shutting it again quietly. My mother looks at me, "I don't understand your mind and I don't think I ever want to."

Maddie comes to sit down next to Charlotte and grabs a chocolate bar from our small pile of snacks for the show. Our parents just stare down at us, confusion written across their faces at our behavior. "Is that Milk Duds?" My mother spies the candy box and takes a seat next to us, stretching out her legs and ripping into the box.

The bedroom door opens and Sebastian walks out of his bedroom with a casual smile on his face. My jaw drops and everyone is silent. "NO!"

Sebastian grins striking a pose, "I know I look good right." He gives an exaggerated pout.

My mother tilts her head, staring at the green mixed with his black hair, "Huh." I take a deep breath, gritting my teeth.

Maddie folds her arms over her chest, "I mean, it actually looks good."

Sebastian runs a hand through his hair, winking at Olivia. Olivia snaps a picture, biting her lip.

I push myself to my feet wanting to punch a wall right now at how badly this backfired. Sebastian walks over to me and pats my head, "Thanks sis, it looks great." I slap his hand away and stomp to my bedroom in a childish tantrum. I leave the door open with my hand on the doorknob.

"Well that was anticlimactic," My father says. He holds out a hand to help my mother stand up but all he gets in a handful candy instead that she shoved in his hand. She stands up by herself with her won handful of candy and they walk down the stairs together.

"The hair is really doing it for me right now," Olivia says with an innocent smile on her face still sitting on the floor.

Charlotte grabs Maddie's shoulders and steers her towards the staircase, "Okay! We're heading in this direction away from the impure thoughts." Maddie throws her head back and laughs loudly.

I just slam my door shut and huff loudly. This is the first time a prank on Sebastian has actually gone in his favor and the smug smile on his face pisses me off even more.

|| ✨ ||

Three days later the crowd at the gym is insane. The guy that Drew is going against is some really popular fighter which is probably the reason that the parking lot is overflowing at this point. It took us twenty minutes to find a parking spot.

Drew had arrived a few hours ago with a few of the guys to keep him company. Isaac is standing at the automatic doors with one hand in his pocket and the other scrolling on his phone. Jesse is standing a few feet away, talking to two girls with his casual swagger.

Summer DelinquentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon