6. I'm Always Listening, Always Predicting

Start from the beginning

Izuru hissed to himself. He knew something wasn't right. His programming was preventing him from being himself. He couldn't figure things out as easily as before. He hadn't been programmed to think. He just did what Junko told him to do.

He felt like a constant ball of confusement. What do you think? Was this thinking? What is feeling? Why am I so good at certain tasks?

He halted unwillingly. He couldn't step more that 100 feet away from Enoshima at any given time.

"Hey, get back here!" Junko shouted at him. He turned around and walked back.

This was what he was programmed to do. Who cared if there were a few bugs along the way? His programming certainly didn't care.

[Recycling code {think/?/NEGATIVE/This is boring/}]

Things weren't improving. Kyoko knew the danger of letting them talk for too long. She had a feeling Makoto was up to something, but the bars between them prevented him from doing anything.

She made sure not to hesitate if Makoto were to try and speak with her again. She simply supervised as the others talked, never joining in on conversation.

Makoto seemed the same as always, making snide remarks and trying to get them to feel despair. Whenever his despair talk started to affect them, Kyoko finished their session and had them leave.

The six newcomers of V3 had gotten very friendly with their members. Asahina hung around with Tenko and Gonta.

Toko spent her time stalking Byakuya and even Genocide Syo had many chats with Miu.

Komaru leaned towards Shuichi and Kaede, just trying to bring some cheer.

Mitarai hung around Angie for a while until he became terrified when she showed him her wax sculptures. He also seemed very anxious at her constant talk about Atua.

Even Byakuya became acquainted with Kokichi for a short time before he became extremely annoyed at how much the supreme leader lied.

The only one Kyoko spent more time with than needed was Shuichi, and that was because she needed to teach him about detective work. Other than that, she distanced herself from everybody.

"Why wasn't Hagakure brought back, hm?" Makoto was asking his usual list of questions he seemed to prepare in his head everyday.

All eyes turned to Kyoko, the only one who would know. She closed her eyes.

"His body was crushed under rubble and irreparable." She said blankly.

"I see, I see, I see" Makoto muttered under his breath. Attention returned to him again.

"By the way, where is Shuich-"

"Enough with your questions. We have questions of our own, and I would like answers to them." Byakuya demanded, pushing his glasses up his face.

Makoto simply stared at him, "Sure, go ahead."

"How did you become one of Junko's pawns?" He asked, glaring at Makoto, "What did she do to get you to be so loyal?"

Makoto laughed to himself.

"A video. I lost all of my vision. Then I heard your voices. But I couldn't talk to you. I could only hear you."

Everyone in the room went still.

"Wait- you heard that?" Asahina asked in surprise, "So we were the reason you didn't die?"

Makoto nodded, but began to laugh maniacally.

"I would have killed myself. But Junko showed me how much despair felt so good! So I stopped. You idiots had nothing to do with it. Enoshima has taught me so well" Makoto continued to laugh, his scars were thrown into the sharpest detail.

Kyoko's eyes widened.

"As for being a despair, let me ask you this, aren't you a pawn too? Have you ever not done what Junko predicted? You guys are as much to blame as I am!"

Nobody moved, Makoto continued, laughing all the way.

"Your deaths were the best thing to happen to me! I don't care if you're alive anymore! You're all meaningless! Who-"

"Everyone out, now." Kyoko stated, glaring at Makoto. She opened the door for them.

Just as they were about to leave, Makoto reached through the bars and grabbed Mitarai by the jacket.

"Who would care about you?" Makoto whispered to him, "If you died? Wouldn't it be better if you ended it now?"

"Everyone get out! Now. I'll help Mitarai." Kyoko shouted to them, they quickly obeyed and ran outside. Mitarai struggled against Makoto's grip, but he wouldn't let go.

"You did this to everyone, you know," Makoto continued murmuring in his ear, "it's all your fault I'm like this."

Kyoko ran up and shoved Makoto backwards and into the wall behind him. Mitarai tripped before scrambling out of the room.

Kyoko walked up to the bars and glared down at Makoto. Makoto stared up at her, rubbing the back of his head.

"Where is the real Naegi?" She demanded.

Makoto smiled at her, "Whatever do you mean, detective?"

Kyoko Raised her voice slightly, "Where is the real Makoto Naegi? You're not real."

"How do you know that?" He laughed, "You have no proof, Kirigiri."

"Because," Kyoko muttered, "You have never heard anyone say Shuichi's name. We've only ever referred to him as Saihara."

Kyoko hesitated for a moment, "...And your scars aren't from a katana blade. They look as if they're from a much smaller knife. A katana would have killed you for sure, even with Naegi's luck. Where is the real Naegi?"

Makoto smirked before giving his answer.

Kyoko's eyes widened again. "...What?"

Makoto merely laughed at her surprise, but did not elaborate.

She took a moment to recover her blank expression. Then she turned around and ran out of the room, closing the door quickly behind her.

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