Part Three- I cant even

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Part three I can't even
-This isn't exactly fan fic centred complaint, more of a bromance proof type thing:
There's a Narry moment or a Lilo moment and the Larries pull up proof
from like 2010 OR they're like:

I know everybody says #CongratsonthebabyNiall is about Narry.
But actually Niall was just being a surrogate for Larry, just saying.
Like... You just said that because the last sliver of Larry evidence was in like 2012. JUST SAYING.
-Like can we trend #RIPLarryStylinson on Twitter?

-Hybrid stories

IDK about you guys but damn, who came up with the idea of Harry Styles falling in love with a cat named Louis who looked like a human because bravo. Not that I like these stories but at least you've got your creative juices flowing.
-"I giggled."

How the fuck does Harry giggle. He talks at the pace of a turtle and has the deepest, raspiest voice ever but the next thing you know he's giggling girlishly in Niall's arms.
-When the boys are so far past gay, practically like drag queens.

Now let me get this straight; drag queens are amazing, they're fabulous.
But I don't think you will ever find one direction braiding each other's weaves and playing dress up with. Eleanor's clothes. It's just not logical.
Hey! I could be wrong.
But I'm probably not.
Sorry it's short thanks for reading!
And shoutout to @Candy_Louis for all of the nice comments.

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