He can sing!?

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Chapter - 57

Nandini didn't say anything for the rest of the ride, manik clutched the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white. His wife even though was quiet, it wasn't enough to be more distracting. He clenched his teeth as he tried to calm down himself, but her perfume Spread around in the A/C of the car, making it more difficult for him.

He parks the car in the parking lot of The hotel Where their reception is held and turned off the ignition.

There was a deafening silence in the car.

" You should really tell her what's happening to you.. ", Manik thought.

"baby.. I'm ––", He started..

"Save it. I really don't want to know, Manik.." ,glaring at him cutely she Said.

"But Baby, I'm –– ", He was again cut off by her.

"What do you want to say , hmm? Do you think that all this is easy for me either? Staying away from you? It's not just you alone is eagerly waiting for this party to end!! ", She points towards hotel through the windshield, then towards her, "Even I am, Mani.. For my sake, please control yourself. I told you I promised right? Because of your lack of self-control, you barely even looked at me." ,Her voice cracking at the last word, she turns her face to gaze out of the window.

Opening his seat belt, he leant over the gear, to console her, his hands creasing her face, " baby, Look at me please.", His voice soft and When she did, he gulped and cursed himself to see her brown eyes swimming in tears.

" She's crying all because of your fault, you stupid jerk! ", Manik Scolded himself.

He wipes them away with the pad of his thumbs, "I'm really really sorry, baby. I didn't mean it that way. Please don't be upset, Jaan.".

She nodded mutely, "I won't unless you promise me that you will behave tonight at this reception party.".

"Fine, I'll try to behave.", He rolls his eyes.

"Mani!!", She Show her angry pout..

He chuckled under his breath, "Okay okay. I'll behave. I promise.".

"You better. Now kiss me.", She Demanded, suddenly.

"What?!", his Eyes widened. Not sure if he heard her right.

"I said... Kiss me.", He grins at her.

"Your wish is my command, Jaan..", They press their lips in a soft kiss, she moans out when he bites down on her lower lip before sucking her upper one between his. He breaks away from her lips, placing open mouth kisses at her jaw, cheek and behind her earlobe.

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