Part 1

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"Finally!", I sighed as I sat on the sofa of my 1bhk flat. It had been quite a long day today with continuously assisting Dr. Agrawal in all his cases. I was randomly scrolling through my insta feed when maa called

"Yes maa"

"How are you beta? did you have your food?"

"I am fine maa.No, I have not eaten my food yet kyuki I have just entered my appartment, but will have it soon. Papa and you had your dinner? How is Tanay?"

"Yes , we had our dinner and Tanay just left two hours ago for his college trip.Acha listen we have something important to talk with you."

"Yes maa, which boy is it that I have to meet?"

I could literally imagine maa rolling her eyes and sighing and papa giggling over.

"Ok fine , now that you know it , lets get straight to the point.I am sending you his bio data and pic through whatsapp. They are a well reputed family in Mumbai and if its a yes from your side to meet him, I will convey your bhua so that we could meet the family soon."

"Ok fine. Waise bhi would you agree if I say I don't want to marry now?"

"Tanisha ,we have had this discussion no. of times and I am in no mood to discuss it again and I am sure even you are tired. So take a look at everything and let me know. Thik hai?"

"Fine maa.Good night."

As soon as I ended the call 3 notifications popped up on my screen.
I wouldn't lie, but he seems cute and hot at the same time. Even the biodata is impressive. Not bad Mr. Siddhant Malhotra .No harm in meeting you atleast. And so I typed a message to maa saying I had no problem in meeting the Malhotra's.

Two days later:

"Yes papa"

"Are you caught up with work Tani?"

"No papa, having my lunch .Bolo?"

"You know about Malhotras, right?"


"They want to meet us and specially you on this sunday and they  find it convenient to meet at our place."

"So you want me to come home on Sunday?"

"Yes. I have no problem if you go back to Mumbai on sunday itself, considering the fact that you would have your duty on monday again"

"Ummmm....ok, but I'll board my flight on Sunday morning because I have  my duty on Saturday also in the hospital."

"Sure , no problem."

Sunday Morning:

"Ha maa, I am almost ready. I'll be there at the airport within 45 minutes only if you would end the call."

Mr. Malhotra, you better be the one for me because I am sacrificing my sleep for you and most importantly a sunday , which is the only day I could lazily spend without any tensions.

Packing everything, not that I had to pack much because  A) I was visiting my own house and B) I would be back by night itself, I locked the door and started towards the airport. Icing on the cake is, that it is raining.What a great start to the day , when I have to be at the airport maximum by 6:15 am and its already 5:45 am.

"Maam here is your boarding pass. The flight boards from gate no. 4" the receptionist said with a smile.

I wonder how at freaking 6:20 am can someone smile that radiantly. Well, I had reached the airport just in time and am now dragging myself towards gate no. 4. Don't get me wrong, I am pretty much a morning person, but yesterday night there was an emergency at the hospital and since there was no PG staff on duty I was called and that is the only reason why I could not get enough of sleep. Nevertheless, we saved the patient  and so I should not crib much.

I was almost done with my security check , when I heard " The plane that was to take off at 7:15 am for Nagpur is now delayed by 45 minutes due to disturbance in the weather. We are extremely sorry for the delay but hope you have a great time at the airport till the boarding starts.Thank you"

What's wrong with everything today , I muttered under my breath. Anyways I had to inform Papa about the same , but before that, I need to have my coffee. Somehow strong coffee always manages to lift my mood up.As soon as I was done messaging Papa, my phone rang

"Now what?"

"What? I board the flight at 8'o clock and will reach there by 9:30 am and would reach our house by 10."

"But they will be coming by 10."

" Papa, are you sure these people are visiting our house and not some office? I mean isn't  10'o clock a too formal timing?"

"I know right, but they apparently are in Nagpur for a wedding and  they say that from 2'o clock the wedding starts, so they wanted to meet us before that."

"Oh , no problem. I hope the plane doesn't get delayed anymore so that I would reach there by 10. And anyways even if I am late , you can always tell them that my flight was delayed."

"Sure, drop a message when you board your flight , so that I would send Tanay to pick you up because apparently he is excited that you are coming."

"Sure dad."

Tanay has always been excited whenever I used to visit my home once I started staying away. Be it those MBBS days or be it my PG days like today , he has always been like that.

Now the only source of entertainment that can keep me busy for the next 30 minutes is my phone and thank god I did remember to bring my earphones with me.

I had just switched my mobile from airplane mode to normal mode when I received a message from Tanay saying that he has reached the airport and was waiting for me in the car. I had no luggage with me except for backpack, so I need not go to the luggage counter. Hence I made my way directly to the exit.

As soon as I stepped out Nagpur breeze touched my face and I almost immediately felt the warmth in it , atlast it is my hometown. Suddenly a bone crushing hug engulfed me only for me to realize that Tanay was hugging me.

" How have you been nasha?"
Yes, my brother calls me ' nasha' saying that the name 'Tanisha' has ' nasha ' in it.

" I am fine tommy. Btw how was your trip?"
Because calling your brother tommy is aa weird as calling your sister nasha.

"I'll tell you everything, but right now we need to rush back because its already 9:45."

"Oh fuck! And they are suppose to reach by 10 right? I don't think we would make it on time."

"Be possitive nasha"

It was exactly 10:12 am and I was standing in front of my house and was a bit sceptical to step in because just a few seconds ago I had spotted an unknown car standing infront of my house which totally explains what the situation is.

How wonderful is that, that the family is on time and the girl is way too late . But comm'on its not my fault that the plane got delayed. And with that thought I pressed the door bell while Tanay followed me.

I hope you guys liked part 1. Do vote and comment .

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