Chapter 14 - Karoke

Start from the beginning


"I'm out."

"Aizawa will be forced to come."

"Is it worth it to torture Aizawa? As long as you don't sing as well."

"Hey I'm amazing."

"Don't care."

"Ok... hmph."

The word gathered is such a funny word. One second you check your phone saying hey we are meeting for a gather want to come the next your getting death threats. And you do send no to everyone and that eternal slumber sounds brilliant they come and drag you out of your sleeping bag and your bed.

They were all sitting in a booths together Nemuri, Aizawa (who looked as if he was ready to jump of a cliff), Yagi, Yamada and Touya. The moment Aizawa saw Touya he began to laugh. No at her remember she still looks like a Disney princess.

"What's up all listeners?!"

"Soo loud."

Dabi decided to pull out her new phone while tugging her hair out of the princess bun and her hair fell down just under her shoulders. There were still two plats and the front of her hair while the rest of hair untangled and stretched down her back in a inky black river.

"WE NEVER GOT YOU A PHONE!!!" Aizawa stood up.

"No you didn't." She nodded and smiled

"Did you steal it?"


"Then... Yamada."

"I didn't mean too."


"The couple is fighting." The girl whispered to Midnight they shared a snigger

"She won a competition."


"Yeh a singing one."


"Hey Mic, you forget to mention the fact you ditched me in the mall all alone without anything to do and for me to get lost." Touya smirked



Midnight laughed, "That's Mic for you."

"So Miss Disney Princess why don't you start?"

"Alright." She rolled her eyes and walked to the karaoke box.

The girl smirked picking up the microphone and giggled as the music. The music began

They say oh my god I see the way you shine

She did jazz hands and sighed. It's not like she was singing badly she was actually singing perfectly.

Take your hand, my dear, and place them both in mine

Touya grabbed Nemuri's hands. Pulling her arm.

You know you stopped me dead while I was passing by
And now I beg to see you dance just one more time

They began to dancing. The purple haired girl was laughing and mouthed a few words. She squinted at her...

Ooh I see you, see you, see you every time
And oh my I, I, I like your style

Midnight twirled the black hair into her arms and whispered.

Annoy Shota ~ Nemuri whispered

Touya Todoroki- the runaway kidWhere stories live. Discover now