Chapter 15 - Nightmare

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Aizawa had noticed a few things about Dabi for example how she has an empty smile most the time and that whenever someone calls her villain or evil the very same smile falters. However tonight Aizawa woke up to screams and cries. He rushed out of his room to see where the screams were coming from he saw some flickers of light from the room. He opened the door with a slam. The figure just ran to the corner whimpering.


"Pleasedonthurtme." She was in tears and shock, sobbing aimlessly. Aizawa walked closer to her she just let out another whimper. He hated seeing her like this. She was usually so strong and happy. He began to walk closer. "Nonono!" Her quirk suddenly ignited. Going all over her hand and face. Her eyes widened when she noticed Aizawa in the room. "Shit get back I can't control it!"

Shouta eyes went red to make sure she wouldn't hurt anyone or burn anything but she heard the most defining scream. "No! Help me someone, some hero please. I need help please." She cried as tears fell down her cheek. He began to once again move closer than she heard shuffling. "Don't come closer please," She begged. Shouta stood still then realised light! She's scared of the dark. So he walked away to the switch turning it on. Then saw the girl curled up in herself hugging herself with tears stain down. He was there in a split second hugging her needing no words of comfort but only to be there for her. She got out herself hug and cried into him.

What happened but in a sort of Touya view (so the before and after)

At the start of her nightmare, she was smiling and playing with her family. Her mother was sitting drinking tea as Natsuo, Fuyumi and Shoto were smiling and laughing. Then Enji came her flames began to burn into her scream and she fell. They carried on playing. No one seemed to care. No noticed her pain how broken she was. She saw her skin look like a jigsaw puzzle with piece falling out. She seemed to fade. Even her childhood friend looked right through her. She was crumbling in front of her own family yet they didn't care.

Then the climax, the screams the yell from the house. The nightmare was more of real life horror show, it felt so real, because it feels as if she may die from the pain banging in her brain, she wanted to wake up. Desperately trying to convince her brain to make her wake, screaming for help, yet nobody comes. She needed to get out. She running a circle in this dream. Running from her family. Running from the house. Running from herself. Her ocean eyes shot open as she woke.

The images kept flickering through her head making it hard to even think. Her breathe became quicker and became more of gasp for oxygen. Then her heart beats sped up to a dangerously high rate. The room spun round her, Touya stumbled out of bed as she ran. Then scampered to a wall. A storm was going on in her head. She heard clamps of thunder and the images were lightning it kept coming closer. Then darkness seemed to be forming people round her. She didn't want to scream only when your desperate should she scream. It all not real she cried. She knew it wasn't. She was safe in Aizawa's house. No one could hurt her. She couldn't hold back tears as she searched in the dark for a light. But in the dark room, she could hear her own fear. Whispering







But you what was for her was the fact they true and she knew it. She never intended to and there scream plagued her nightmares. She covered her ears. Ran to the door and tripped yet again. She let out a scream.

The scream was the sound waves showing fear and pain. The scream had come from a place of horror, fear and hurt. The scream tore through the air like a knife making the ever so silent night fall of angst and distress.

She heard footsteps. He was here again, she back in t-t-h-h-e house. Breathe. No it's him. She ran to the corner and whimpered. He said something. No!

"Please don't hurt me!" Touya said quickly. She footsteps come closer.

"No!No!No" she spluttered through her tears. She accidentally activated her quirk and saw her flames and the teacher. Shit! I can't control it she thought.

"Shit get back I can't control it!" She yelled to him.

Then red eyes... darkness. No, not again. Not the dark. Please not she thought. Her scream was shrill and painful.

"No! Help me someone, some hero please. I need help please." She sobbed she didn't want relive it all. There were footsteps again. No!

"Don't come closer please," she weeped. She was hugging herself trying to get warmth and comfort. She curled into a ball as she wept harder and harder. There was light and she saw Aizawa next to her hugging her.

Touya had forgotten how nice a hug could be. The last time had been hugged was at least three years ago. She snuggled closer in and hugged back. Shouta had wrapped his arms round her whole shivering body and pulled her close, gently rubbing her back to soothe her. She knew she was safe again that nothing would happen. That's the magic of hugs they could somewhat make your fears and worries evaporate. His embrace was warm and seemed very protective. They just sat there in the comfort of knowing they'd be there for each, even if they'd only met a few days ago. They stayed
like that until the fire-quirk user had let fatigue get the best of her. She fell asleep in his arms so he got up and lay her on the bed. Next he turned on the nightlight before leaving and shutting the main light in her room off.

As Shouta Aizawa walked to his room he could not think of the trembling girl who was in his arms. The words she had cried. She was crying for heroes to help her but she hated pros because of her dad would she call for them. She was desperate for help that she'd risk being caught by her dad. What had she witnessed because that level of fear did not just gone from a dream, it was PTSD! He'd know, the real truth why he didn't hand her in or look her up to find out who she was, was the fact of her parents and he related. He never had good parents and they used fake the perception of being the perfect while people were around or going out. When in reality the chained him and beat him. If her dad was a pro that meant he was fake idol. When Shouta thought make to when he was her age. He had done exactly the same thing he covered it up and knowing her she'd do exact what he'd do act like nothing had happened. Right he needed to get her to open up. Sure Shouta could sympathise but to what degree? No, if he wanted her to open up he needed a professional to do this which means maybe get her a therapist... Ryo.


I don't even how I managed to make her dream so vague yet add so much description.

Oh and all you who don't know Ryo Inui is Hound Dog.

Whelp ta da... I think this is the first proper bit of angst in the whole story so far


Look at this fan art

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Look at this fan art .... it's so good 😊
I kinda wanted to write a reverse roles Au but eh...
I've got three books I'm working on and a lot of school works
and some exams and tests and homework (help)

Also I already have an idea for another book

Tbh- I just wanted to show you the photo
He he sorry for wasting your time.

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