Our final destination was in a dark room, somewhere in the basement of this mansion. I couldn't make out anything, except for a spotlight on the furthest end of the room. The light shone down onto the boss, who I came to despise. He in a chair, with some sort of bowl in his hands. I watched the man wave his hand, dismissing someone. Turning around, I notice that Mingi was the one he told to leave. Immediately, I felt sick. I hate being left alone with this monster. Mingi was the closest thing to safety for me, so that's saying something.  "Hello doll. I felt so bad for leaving you there all alone after my little accident. I'm aware that you are probably starving, so I have this warm bowl of kimchi-jjigae for you." His tone sounded so genuine. I would've fallen for it, if I didn't see the maniacal smirk on his face.  "Do you want some? I know you're hungry."  Even though I knew something was up, the hunger cramps in my stomach scrambled my brain. I could tell he was waiting for an answer, so I nodded yes.  "Use your words, we aren't 5 year olds are we?".  "Y-yes." He grins at my answer, leaning back in his seat eyeing me down.  "Alright, come get it."  Why does he always insist on me walking with my broken leg? Not to mention, without crutches. He makes everything difficult, like it's a damn video game. I'm just the character who is stuck, forced to play and beat every level. The catch is, every level gets more and more difficult, until you beat the final boss. Slowly, I go towards him but almost instantly collapse. The room is so dark, I couldn't see what the floor looked like. I don't know what was on the ground, but it burned the living hell out of me. Honestly, it felt like hell.  "Ahhhhh." My scream rang, echoing throughout the room. The longer I touched the ground, the more pain was inflicted on me. It felt like hot coals or something underneath me. This is so painful, but the thought of gulping down warm jjigae was so fantastical. I got on my hands and knees and began to crawl towards him. My cries of pain grew louder, as everything burned. Not only that, but of course my injured leg and newly injured hand. The journey to get to V felt like an eternity.  "I'm proud of you doll." Says the man, when I finally reach him. His compliment did not make me proud, quite the opposite. I felt like his pet, instead of a human being. Setting the jjigae aside, he reaches down to pull me up. He sat me on his lap and retrieved the bowl of stew. "Open up." Instantly, my mouth hung open ready for some sustenance. V smiled at how easily I obeyed him. So he scooped a hefty bite of stew and shoveled it into my mouth. I moaned out in satisfaction. At this point I was so hungry, I wasn't even ashamed at how desperate I sounded. I bet I looked pathetic though. Sitting on the boss's lap, getting spoon fed like a baby. Eyes red and puffy, dried tears printed on my chubby cheeks. My battered and bruised body... how pathetic.

A.N.~  First of all dynamite was so amazing, I loved the whole overall retro vibe to it. They all looked absolutely gorgeous 😍. Secondly, I hope you all loved this update. xoxo


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My babies look so happy

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My babies look so happy. I love them 😭🥺🥰💜💜💜

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