Chapter 3

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I've been in my room for the past 4 hours, wondering what I should do. I can't see Joshua. It's too embarrassing. He probably thinks I'm dumb for moving here. What if he thinks I came here for him?! I didn't have a choice!! I didn't even know he was here until yesterday! Ugh. How can he be so annoying if he isn't even here?

I need to do something. Now that Sofia knows I'm here, She's going to want to hang out more. And I want to spend time with her, I do. But Josh is bound to be there. What do I do?!


Oh. My. God. 

I just had the craziest idea. But I don't know if I can pull it off...


Josh had been acting really weird lately. He dosen't talk as much, and he always seems to be looking for something.

I Don't know what to do about it, so I decide to call Olivia.

"Hey liv"

"oh hey Sof"

"do you know what's going on with Josh? he seems off."

"oh.. i don't know..."

"oh, okay."

"um hey sof? I have something to tell you..."

"Sure liv, is everything okay?"

"yeah it's just.. I'm moving back to New Mexico."

"wait, but I thought you just got here?"

"yeah me too. I don't know why, but I was just told."

"I'm so sorry liv. I'm gonna miss you. Is there anything I can do?"

"no, I'll be okay...."  

Woah, She seems off. "ok, call me when you get there. byee"


That was weird. Didn't her and her parents just move here? Odd. Well i Hope she's gonna be okay. I regret Not reaching out to her after i saw her at Disney World with the cast of Andi Mack. But this time, i will keep in touch with her.


I haven't stop thinking about Olivia, but i just- can't!! When I saw her, she looked... shocked to see me, and not in a good way. I think she's just a little suprised. I decided to text her to see if she was doing better.


you there?


Thats weird. Usually she answers.

My phone buzzed.

Wait, She just posted on instagram! Is she ignoring me?? 

Why would she do that?! Maybe I should just leave her alone. Obviously she dosen't want to talk to me right now.

My phone buzzed again

Sofia was calling.

"hey Sof. What's up?"

"nothing really. i just wanted to see if you were okay."

"why wouldn't I be?"

"well Olivia's moving, and since you like her and all, i wanted to check-"

"Wait a minute. I don't like Olivia! i mean i like her as a friend, and she is really pretty, and smart, and tal- she's just a friend. not even a friend! We've only met a couple times a-- ....."


"josh? are you there?"

"She's moving....?"

"... you didn't know??"


"Im sorry Josh, but I have to go."

*Sofia Hangs up*

W-what?Sshe's moving? Didn't she j-just get here? She can't move!!

Wait, why do I care? It's just Liv. I've only seen her once since she got here, but I still... I wish I Could've said something to her That day. I should've. Why didn't I?  Was I Nervous? Why was a Nervous?...

then it hit me.

"I like Olivia..."

"Dude I knew it!!!" I turn around to see Matt standing in the dorrway. He had a huge grin on his face.

"knew what?" I ask, oblivious to the fact that I said I like her out loud.

"That you like Olivia! Sof said ever since you guys saw her at the shelter, you had been acting weird, but I didn't think this was the reason!"

"H-how did you..."

"C'mon man. you kinda just said it. Stop playing dumb."

I internally facepalmed myself. Of course, I said it out loud.

"It dosent matter anyway. The only time i realy talked to her was at auditions. If I told her, She's think I was a psychopath. Plus, she's moving." I say with a frown on my face.

Matt was just stabding there with a look of sympathy on his face.

"I'm sorry dude." He said

"It's okay. I heard something about everyone getting food in a few minutes. Let's go to that."

"Sure man."


Okay I think I've texted Sabrina About 150 times now. No response.

It's official. If she dosen't get here by the end of the week , she's fired. It might seem impulsive to you, but It's called instinct.


I'm on my way to te mall. I need to buy a wig, and fake glasses.

I can't believe I'm trying to pull this off, It's kind of insane.

As much as I would love to lie to everyone (sarcastic voice), I can't lie to Jenna. She's basically my best friend here. Yes I know, It's only been 2 days, but she's like a sister to me. And who knows, one day I might need backup in this plan.

I'm honestly just hoping know one else finds out.


hey guys, im sorry for the late update!

I've been having major writers block so im so sorry!

Thank you for reading anyway tho.

byeee <33333

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