Chapter Five

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Bone felt Scourge tense up under his laps. Scourge looked shocked, "B-Bone, what are you doing?" He asked, feeling Bone licking his neck and his face heating up.

I hope he isn't grossed out. Bone thought, "Just licking a shallow cut on your neck." He lied, deciding to stop sense Scourge sounded uneasy with him doing it.

Scourge blinked and sat up. He continued licking the other tomcat's wounds in silence. He was silently crushed that Bone was doing that because of a simple bleeding scratch. He didn't even feel the sting of some cat licking a cut. He grew suspicious but didn't say anything.

Bone sat up as well. He patted Scourge's head with his tail, quietly snorting. Scourge looked at his deputy, "What?" He asked before Bone padded his head with his tail again. Bone purred in amusement, "Nothing, you're just kinda adorable." He flirted, winking playfully. He just said that, he was quietly panicking in his head but didn't show it. Stupid brain, why did I say that? He mentally slit his throat.

Scourge stared up at Bone, "I-I am not!" He exclaimed, his face feeling as if lava was being poured onto it. His ears pinned down at Bone's remark, "Dumbass." He huffed, rolling his cold blue eyes. He was bouncing off the walls inside his head.

Bone shook his head. I am so glad he hasn't torn my guts out by now. He sighed. Scourge batted at his face. Bone laughed softly and tackled Scourge, the two fighting in playfulness. They both kept their claws in hiding.

Scourge laughed as Bone pinned him down with one of Bone's forepaws gingerly placed on his chest.

Bone had never seen Scourge so happy and careless. His leader's joyful laugh made his whole body feel lighter, "Y-You're so much larger than m-m-me, idiot! It's not fair!" He exclaimed, still laughing in between words.

Bone looked at Scourge and let out a asmall chuckle. Scourge's laugh was perfectly high pitched, just enough not to annoy cats, and extremely endearing despite the black tomcat's murderous ways.

Scourge settled down he boldly nuzzled Bone. Bone grew smitten with Scourge, his eyes widening. If it was possible, he would have heart eyes right now. He took his paw off of Scourge's chest and let him get up.

Scourge touched noses with Bone, "This is by far the most enertaining thing I have done in a while. Thank you, Bone, truly." He looked into Bone's eyes, he instantly saw love but didn't mention it. He guessed he was just imagining it. He pulled his nose away and padded off.

Bone was at a loss of words, his mouth running dry. He glanced around in silence. His heartache hurt even more. He longed to be messing with Scourge again though it had just happened. Scourge was consistently pressured sense he was clan leader and always having to deal with everything.

Bone tried to help but Scourge would push him away, telling him to let him handle it by himself. He wanted to give Scourge a damn break, he needed it. But how would he persuade Scourge to agree with it?

Bone sighed, padding back to BloodClan. A few cats were giving Scourge gifts and asking some questions. A she-cat even asked if he was choosing a mate soon. Scourge replied with a maybe, it was better than a no.

Bone trotted over to Scourge, whom looked uninterested in what the cats were saying. He looked much different from a few moments ago, so no smile on his face and no small laugh escaping his jaws.

Bone hopped up onto the dumpster were Scourge was sitting, "Bone. What are you here for?" Scourge asked. Bone thought about what to say, "To help you." He said simply. Scourge looked at the other tomcat, "With what?" He questioned.

Bone blinked, "I can tell this clan is causing you distress." He explained, "You need to stop running everything for a day or two. I can handle it." He explained, blinking at Scourge considerably.

Scourge looked at him, grateful. "Perhaps I do. I will only take a day, I don't want to put you into anything you can't handle. I'm not that unkind to one of my most trusted warriors." He nuzzled Bone again and hopped down. He curled up beside the green twoleg junk they called a dumpster, "If you need to ask a question I'll be here." He exclaimed.

Bone purred and lay down, his legs tucked under his stomach. It was odd how easy it was to explain to Scourge that he should step down from being leader for a day or two. Maybe Scourge was about to loose it and didn't want to scare the clan shit-less.

Bone looked around. So far, every cat was busy and nobody asked a question as to why he was in Scourge's spot.

Bone grew uninterested and got up, leaping down from the dumpster and creeping out of the alleyway. He was prepared for any ambushes on him this time. He rushed over the monster path and padded to a twoleg nest in silence. He got onto the fence and called some cat's name.

The she-cat slipped out and stared at him, "Oh, Bone, Hello!" She exclaimed. She was a pale brown tabby she-cat with a white chest and a violet collar around her neck. She almost looked exactly like her mother, Nutmeg, but had her father's eyes, Jake.

The tabby she-cat was Scourge's half-sister, Princess. She was probably one of the only cats not to be disgusted by cats that liked the same gender as them. Atleast as of the cats Bone knew.

Bone purred, "Hello." He greeted her. He and Princess vented to eachother, Bone doing most of the ranting.

Princess hopped in the fence beside him, "Did you tell him how you feel?" She asked, eager to hear how Bone would reply.

Bone shook his head, "No. I wish I could though. I'm not good enough for him. I did call him adorable though." He sighed heavily and looked at his leader's half-sister.

Princess looked at Bone, sorrow and pity filling her eyes. "Ah. I understand. It must be hard on you to love Scourge but being unable to tell him how you truly feel." She looked at Bone thoughtfully.

Princess thought for a moment, "Well, you could hint at it if you aren't ready for telling him head-on. I could also ask him how he feels as well. Pehaps I could go back to BloodClan with you for a few days to see how he acts towards you. I might be able to tell if he likes you or not. I'm not an expert at this stuff but I could try." She suggested

Bone blinked, "You are much to kind to me, Princess." He said gratefully. Princess shook her head, "It's the least I could do for my half-brother's number one." She meowed.

Bone glanced back, "I should probably be heading back to BloodCl-" He got cut off by a cool grey tomcat pushing his way through the bushes.

"Princess? Whom is this?"

A.N Scourge is a tsundere confirmed lmao
If you don't know what a tsundere is, it is a 'Japanese term for a character development process that depicts a person who is initially cold before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time' at least that is what Google said-

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