Chapter 2 - Todoroki's Log

Start from the beginning

Bakugou grinned and Kakashi began to explain what they already knew.


Todoroki had agreed to help them, though, Kakashi suspected that he needed an excuse to get away from Endeavor. Not that he blamed him. Kakashi had a few run-ins with the hero, and from his experience, he was, for lack of a better term, a fucking asshole. Not just to people he knew, to people he didn't know, from the elderly to children. If you spoke to him while he was working, you could expect to leave the interaction with a low self esteem, and daddy issues because of a man who isn't even your father.

So, Kakashi welcomed Todoroki into their group. He'd hated the way the villagers treated Naruto, but he was too wrapped up in his own grief to do anything about it. He'd failed Sasuke, but he knew he could help Todoroki.

Kakashi had enough therapists to know that sometimes an excuse to get away was the best thing you could offer someone.

The two of them were sitting in the living room of Aizawa's house and going over information. Kakashi was observing Todoroki's working habits, and figured that he, like Bakugou, was a genius.

Another interesting thing he noticed was that there was something wrong with all the geniuses he knew. Sasuke, Orochimaru, Itachi, Bakugou, even Minato could behave... oddly at times. Not to say that he was any different, if anything using himself as an example would prove his point, but Kakashi didn't have the time to do a complete self analysis right now.

"There have been multiple reports of Quirks similar to All Might and Midoriya's, the first one dating back to when Quirks first appeared, and the world was divided." Todoroki said. "Each person already had a Quirk when we assume they inherited One for All, all of them except All Might and possibly Midoriya."

They may or may not have hacked into government resources and information.

What did Aizawa think would happen when he left that book on coding and hacking just laying on the table?

They did have courses back in Konoha, they were mandatory for ANBU, though computers weren't mainstream, and were pretty much only used in hospitals, it was still a good skill for when civilians and enemies finally put them to good use, which they did during the war. Well... Madara didn't, but the allies did. Kakashi doubted that Madara even knew what a computer was.

But with all these intelligence Quirks, you'd think one would be able to help the government with security. Well, at least he can give them a show.

Once they'd downloaded all the information they needed and then some, Kakashi arranged some files so they would say, "Man, this security really is something, amirite?"

Todoroki had advised him against it, but Bakugou was all for it. That was how their team worked. Kakashi would suggest something, and Todoroki would seem either horrified, amused, or disappointed. Bakugou would laugh evilly, and Kakashi would wonder, though not for the first time, if they were sane. Not that he was one to talk.

Suffice to say, the government hacking became a National incident, and the security was buffed after that, so Kakashi could proudly say that he did his job.

He was fairly certain that Aizawa had suspected that he, Todoroki and Bakugou had done something, but he had no proof, and he would never get proof, so that didn't matter.

Now the Sports Festival was only 3 days away, and the three of them were both training more and more.

In some part of Bakugou's mind, he was probably aware that as he was, he could not beat Kakashi, for some reason this meant he spoke to him more. Kakashi didn't know why, but they were making progress so it didn't matter.

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