"Aww! She looks good pregnant." My mother cooed.

Beyoncé Knowles | Newburgh, NY

I got back to NY about two hours ago and was demanded to show my face at Lala's pool party. I honestly didn't want to go because Solange would be there and we aren't on the best of terms. Since she popped off at me we haven't really talked. My mother has been trying to figure out what the situation between us was but neither of us said anything. We just kept to ourselves and kept it pushing. I would talk to Julius and Allen but that was it. I haven't seen all of the girls together since Michelle's birthday dinner so I don't know how things would be between us all.

Knowing the party girl Lala can sometimes be, I just know there would be endless martinis and margaritas so me not drinking is really going to raise suspicions. I was going to tell them but knowing how Kelly enjoys talking, she probably filled them in on her observation.

I got out of my Mercedes and slung my bag over my shoulder. I closed my door then locked my car. I could hear loud chatter and music playing from the back of the house so I walked through the side gate. I typed in the code she gave me then pushed my way into the yard. As I got closer I could hear them talking but it wasn't anything I could question them about.

"Look who the cat dragged in!" Serena yelled as she ran up to me. I laughed accepting her hug. "Hey babe." We let each other go and walked over to the group.

"Hey y'all." I greeted with a smile and a wave. They were all in the pool and I sat on one of the pool chairs. "Girl why you got on overalls? It's a pool party so go and change." I rolled my eyes at the demanding tone in Lala's voice.

"I'll change when I get me some food. I'm hungry as hell." I got up and walked into the house. She had a lot of seafood and my mouth watered at the variety. I got a bowl to share myself some chowder and I also got me some shrimp alfredo. She even had gumbo and y'all know how we southern people love gumbo.

I managed to balance two large bowls and a plate on my arms on my way outside. I sat them carefully on the table and started eating. The pasta was heaven sent and the shrimps were juicy.

"Bey, you okay? I don't think we've seen you eat that much food since....ever." I nodded my head tasting the gumbo. "You got hot sauce? Wait never mind. I got in my bag." I reached over to my bag and pulled out my mama's homemade hot sauce. I added it to the gumbo and tasted it. It still wasn't spicy enough and I was growing frustrated.

"That's enough hot sauce don't you think?" Solange spoke to me. I looked at her then reverted back to my food. "No, it's not."


I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror not feeling confident enough to step outside. I know once the girls saw my growing bump they're going to jump down my neck and I really wasn't ready for it. I know for a fact that Solange was going to be harder on me than the rest. I sighed, tying the stings of my bikini around my neck.

I walked through the house until I got back downstairs. I heard music playing and I stepped out. All the chatter stopped once I stepped foot unto the green grass.

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