24) Between The Both of Us

Start from the beginning

She wanted to lick him all over until he was drenched in her.

Not in the hospital wing—

She was going to stop kissing him in just a moment. Because she was in the hospital wing. Even if there were no explicit rules against it, she imagined Pomfrey would regard Hermione ravishing Draco in his hospital bed as violating the spirit of instructions regarding quiet activities.

So she was going to stop kissing Draco. In just a minute.

She shoved him down against the pillows and ran her tongue down his throat. He growled, and it made her whole body shake. She could feel his hands sliding under her shirt as she flicked her tongue out across his glands. He gave a muffled moan.

"Granger—," he groaned, "we should—weren't we—probably—talk—"

Hermione did not want to talk. She wanted to lick him. She dragged her tongue across his glands hard and felt him grip her harder.


"You're mine," she said against his throat.

His hand was gripping her hair tight and he jerked her head back up.

"Fuck—yes," he said against her lips, before he gave her a bruising kiss.

She arched against him, tangling her fingers in his hair as she ground her hips into his. He moaned against her mouth and his hand gripped her waist.

There was a faint sound behind her but Hermione barely heard it as Draco nipped at her lower lip and his hold on her hair tightened.

"Just a suggestion, if you're in a secret non-relationship with each other, perhaps don't snog in the infirmary," a voice drawled.

Hermione gave a small scream and tried to jump off Draco, but he refused to let go. She turned her head and  looked over her shoulder to find Blaise Zabini seated in a chair beside Draco's bed studying them with an expression of indifference.

"Fuck off, Blaise," Draco growled. "Granger and I are busy."

Hermione felt her face grow red hot at the realization that she had been aggressively snogging Draco in the hospital ward, while at the same time telling herself that she was definitely not going to snog him. Oh god. She really was a nymphomaniac.

"Do you still go by surnames after you've licked a witch's tonsils?" Blaise asked, tilting his head thoughtfully. "I don't recall any of the etiquette manuals mentioning it."

"Draco—please let go," Hermione said, as she tried to squirm off him. He wrapped his arms around her more obstinately.

"No. Blaise is leaving," he said coolly. "I'm not done with you."

Hermione felt her face and ears grow hot.

"Let me off, you prat," she said, twisting and contorting as she tried to peel Draco's fingers off one at a time.

The curtain snapped open again. Hermione ceased in her quest to remove Draco's hands in order to look up in horror as Pansy and Theo walked through the curtains.

"Oh. Did I not mention that Theo and Pansy were right behind me?" Blaise said. "Oops."

Pansy froze mid-step as she took in the sight of Hermione guiltily straddling Draco in a hospital bed, while his arms were wrapped possessively around her waist.

Theo's expression flickered for a moment as he took in the scene.

"Draco, let go," Hermione said, trying to tear his hands off again. He released his grip and she nearly fell off the bed in her haste to get away. She shoved her shirt back into her skirt and turned around awkwardly find that at some point during the snog session she had completely unbuttoned Draco's shirt. He was apparently in no rush to close it.

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