Chapter 1: The Doctor

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"Hey hey hey." I say softly and hold onto her shoulders. I look into her eyes. "She is with Dr. Fabray, she is in good hands. I promise. Okay?" She nods.

"Okay, we are gonna get you up to C.T." I tell her. "Let's move." I tell the others and we rush her to the elevator. "You." I look at a nurse who's name I just cannot remember. She looks at me "get an update on her sister Lily Pierce from Dr. Fabray." She nods and runs off.

I hold on to her bed and help roll her. I feel a hand on mine. I look down to see her looking up at me with tears in her beautiful blue eyes.

"Thank you." She gives me a sad, but grateful smile.

I give her a small smile and nod.

~ in CT

We set her up in the large metal machine.

"Okay Brittany. We need you to stay perfectly still and calm. It's important so we can get a clear picture." I inform her.

"O-okay." She mumbles.

I start to walk away.

"W-wait! Don't leave me alone." Brittany pleads.

I walk over to her and hold her hand. "Do you see that room right there?" I say pointing to a window. She nods. "I will be right in there and once I evaluate your CT I'll come get you. And if you want I can talk to you while you're in here. Okay? You just have to promise to stay perfectly still." I try to reason.

"Okay. Thank you.." I smile at her and set her up again and send her in. I walk into the room and Kurt, one of the nurses looks at me.

"What are you looking at Lady Lips?" I ask him coldly.

"Nothing! I just- I've just never seen you so... kind. Even to a patient." He shrugs.

"She's scared. And hurt. And to be totally honest, it's hard to be a complete bitch to her..." I say the last part quietly.

"Okay.." he sing-songs.

I press the button to talk. "Brittany, how are you doing in there?"

"F-fine." She stutters.

"A few more minutes Brittany."

"Okay." She mumbles.

I take my finger off of the button and wait.

3min later, the results show up. "Look here." I tell Kurt Ponting to her heart.

"What is that?" He asks

"Her heart dumbass. There are some abnormalities. I need you to get me some things." I tell him as I start listing off the tests I will need.

I go to get Brittany from the machine.

"Hey, you did great" I praise her.

"What did it say?" She asks curiously

"There are some abnormalities with your heart. We're just going to check it out." I inform her.

"Oh, that. I have Congestive Heart Failure. I've been taking meds for two years trying to raise the money I need to get a transplant." She tells me like it's the simplest thing in the world.

"What medications?" She starts listing off 6 meds that she takes while I get her into a room. 4 of which have a side effect if siezures. I page Kurt and tell him he can stop. "Well that explains a lot." I tell her as I lay her in her bed and sit in the chair next to her.

"How?"She asks

"4 of your meds can cause seizures. Which is why you crashed. You had a seizure."

Brittana: Love Conquers AllOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz