500 Republica

Começar do início

The engineer guessed: "Maybe, we have to find the control room, to enable the air-con?"

Ahsoka: "You have any idea, where it could be?"

"No, sorry."

Ahsoka needed the help of the dark side, they could not wander around that huge building looking for one particular room without any idea where it could be: "Your eternal and divine holiness, master of all evil and my evil guide. I need your help."

The dark side mocked: "My help? You need my help?"


The dark side teased: "And the magic word?"


Satisfied, the dark side guided the two to the control room, which was on the first floor, just 5 stories up, but with bad air, it was tinkering with one's life. In the control room the engineer fiddled with some switches and a console. He had the hardest time to focus on the task at hand and Ahsoka feared he would collapse any second, but eventually, the air-con came to life. A little later, the engineer fell unconscious. It still took about 30 minutes, until the air got significantly better and the Baba fully regained his wits.

Back in the job, he informed Ahsoka: "The building is running at full power."

"Great", was her response.

"Well, the tanks of the fuel cells are depleted down to 10%. At that rate, the tanks of the fuel cells will be empty in about 5 hours. I would recommend, to shut everything down and only run the necessary."

Ahsoka replied: "I guess, you are right. We just need the air-con in the stairwell and on level -3. Maybe the lights on level -3."

"That was my thinking, too", and with that he pushed a number of buttons on the control panel until the lights and the fans of the air-con in the control room went off again.

Yomin Carr's POV

Two days after he had investigated the Sacred Precinct, he was given the task to look into a research project of the shapers. They had ordered a terraforming team to dig holes for dovin basals right next to young ships in an orchard. The terraforming operation endangered the wellbeing and growth process of the ships, but the leader of the terraforming team was unreasonable. The intendant responsible for the orchard, was most disturbed as he was told, but the real reason he was ordered to look into that trivial matter was, because that intendant was the son of a high ranking prefect. Spoiled son, he thought and reluctantly he made his way out to the orchard. There the intendant informed him about the strange behavior of the terraforming team and the unrelenting attitude of their leader and above all, the hole was way too big and unfit for dovin basals. The intendant led him to the site in question and what he saw was a very big hole, which exposed the roof of a buried building, which had been erected by the infidel enemy once upon a time. His interrogation of the team-members revealed, that a bigger part of the terraforming team was now idle while the rest was working under ground. The slaves did not understand him well and it seemed like they had no idea, what the project was about and what purpose it served, they just followed orders. It was the same with the few warriors overseeing the slaves. They all had no idea, what this project was about? The team-leader, who knew, was apparently underground with the rest of the team. The huge hole, the way, they had piled up the rubble and the earth, was the same stile as in the Sacred Precinct. Likely it was the same team. The strangest thing was, that the team had been brought over from Toong'L. A team from Domain Qel, but that Domain had gotten defeated and destroyed a couple of month ago. It was all very fishy. He had to be prepared for the worst. He himself against 5 warriors was not a good idea, he had to come back with reinforcements.

Queen Ahsoka (Book 4, Yuuzhan Vong War)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora