[season 2] -accidental confession-

Start from the beginning

Luckily, the loud bustling of the cafe made her exclamation indistinguishable from the other noises. Hatz reluctantly gave Endorsi an answer.


At this, Endorsi gave him a questioning look.

"I have not nearly trained myself enough to go up this tower with her."

'So that's what this is about.' Endorsi thought, her eyes widening in surprise.

"I see...but I'm asking you how you feel about (y/n) herself." Endorsi added.

She took another bite of her cake as she waited for his response.

"How I feel...about (y/n)?"

Endorsi nodded impatiently.

"Actually...that is, I have a question for you about (y/n)." Hatz stated.

"What is it?"

"Before she was unconcious, she said..." Hatz started.

Endorsi leaned in, urging him to go on.

"She said that I was the one she loved most...is that true? Perhaps I am just overthinking things..."

"She said what?!" Endorsi exclaimed.

'To confess at a moment like that...and she didn't even tell me?! Well, it's not any of my business anyways, but this is just too good to pass up!'

"W-well, I guess I do know something about that..." Endorsi said, regaining her composure.

'Should I really say it? Well there's no going back now...no, this isn't my place to say anything.'

"But that's a question you should ask her yourself." Endorsi stated, "while we're on the topic, how do you feel about her?"



(Y/n) P.O.V


"And so, that's what happened." Endorsi finished.

I stared at her, still in shock.

"Wait, did he really ask that?"

"Yes, and I can't believe that you didn't tell me about the confession yourself!"

It felt like a million walls were closing in on me at once.

"But-I didn't think I actually said that out loud! What am I gonna do?" I asked, panicking.

"Well, he's going to come visit you any minute now. Y'know, since I told him to ask you about it."

"Can you atleast tell me what he said about me?" I asked desperately.

Endorsi shook her head.

"It's not my place to say. Ask him yourself."

A knock on the door ensued her comment. Knowing who it probably was, my heartbeat accelerated tenfold, if that was even possible.

"Can I come in?"

I gave Endorsi a pleading look.

"Sure, I was just about to leave." She said, opening the door.

'Well f*ck you too.'

As Hatz entered, my mind ran around in circles. He stood by the doorway, staring at me in awe. I wasn't sure what to do.

"Um...hi." I said, giving him a small smile.

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, as though trying to hold himself back. Before I could say anything more, I was attacked.

With his arms.

Around me.


He tightly hugged me, not saying a word and snuggling his face into the crook of my neck.

'Is-is he drunk? No, that can't be it...I mean, I did practically just sacrifice my life for him...'

I slowly reciprocated his hug, wrapping my arms around him. This motion made him hug me even tighter, which was something I was not emotionally prepared for.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled out, "I was too weak to protect you...I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I don't know if you can forgive me, but-"

"Hatz." I interrupted.

I pulled away from the hug and squished his cheeks with my hands.

"It's. O-kay. Really." I said.


"Nope, not taking it. I did it cause I love you, there's no need fo-"

I paused.

Holy shit.

I took my hands off of his face and nervously laughed, looking away. The loud thumping of my heart was getting louder and louder, and the butterflies in my stomach were ready to come out.

"So...it's true? You meant it?" Hatz mumbled out.

I looked to him for his reaction.

Oh my gosh.

'Sir don't give me another heart attack, I'm begging you-'

His mouth was ajar and his face was bright red, all the way to his ears. After a moment he coughed and looked away, covering his face with his arm.

"Well, I don't remember saying it out loud at that time, but yeah...I meant it." I said, gathering up my courage.

"I...I'm sorry, I'm going outside to think." He said, rushing out the door.

I sat in silence.


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