"blue rose suits you.... you're lucky this is our youngest favorite flower, mystery sinners..... that's our boss said.... you're unattainable with my attack.. this suits you.." the guy with Gold peach mask said and drop it to felix's head

"Ivory is my favorite and only used flowers, i killed my target with carefulness and  thoughtfulness..... i stab you quietly that you didn't felt the pain..." the guy woth golden mint blue masked said and placed the flower on bang chan's hand carefully

"Black... means not happiness..... i killed you brutally, but that's our mission, you're a dark sinner Huening kai..... our boss really made me kill you instead of others...." the golden blue masked guy said and put the rose on the guy's lap

"a white rose for all of you.... heard you have detective girlfriends......" the guy with golden yellow masked said and fire the white rose and throw to them

we maybe a killers and that doesn't change the fact. but we kill because our life is on the row, we need to finish our mission before we stop this killings

yes...... we're the famous Roses killers, everyone thought we kill innocent and higher people, but no.... we kill sinners and our boss target for us

our rule is simple

kill the target and place a rose that signifies their death and sins, blood, bullets ,knives, and life their fun actually...

seeing a cold body sinner in front of you, paying for his debt is fun


we don't kill people for fun

we gave revenge and grudge, to the ones who gave us the targets

Bloody Roses (IZ*ONE AU/FF)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu