Extra chapter: Some syrupy love 🍁

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Requested scene. Warning: smut, fluff, and a lot of syrup. Don't like it don't read it x


"Thank you so much for the pancakes, Malik" my mate sighs in contentment, an expression of pure bliss on his face as he closes his eyes and sits more comfortably on my laps, his back resting against my chest.

"You're very welcome, pup" I smile softly, running my hand up and down his pooch belly.

Pregnancy looks good on him. I don't say it out loud, because my pup still has trouble admitting that he is pregnant, even after the doctor from his pack came to examine him, upon Darren's request.

Actually, if Darren hadn't assured me that this doctor knew everything about werewolves' pregnancy, I would have had a hard time believing what he was telling us, too. Can't blame Alex for being a bit incredulous here. The guy was definitely weird.

What was his name, already? Something that has to do with eyes... Three Eyes? Cyclop?

Is that even a common name among werewolves?

My mate fidgets a bit on my laps and I have to stifle a small moan at the feel of him unknowingly grinding his plump ass against me.

"I am not too heavy, am I?" a slightly anxious voice suddenly asks, making me look down at him with a frown.

Here we go again.

My mate has changed a lot since we first met, and I am proud of him for it. He is carrying himself with much more confidence and he is better at receiving compliments and affection from me.

However, since we learned about his pregnancy, it seems that we are back to square one. He is now being very self-conscious again and he keeps making negative comments about the way his body is changing.

Well, time for some positive love, I guess.

"Not at all, pup." I reassure him. "But-"

"Yes?" he immediatly wants to know, and the small touch of insecurity in his voice makes me tighten my hold on him.

"I am hungry, too"

"You are?" he asks, looking a bit confused. "Why don't you eat something, then?"

"Well, you ate all the pancakes"

He has the decency to look slightly embarassed about it, although I am fully aware that deep down, he doesn't regret it in the slightest bit. This guy is actually a very sharing person, except when there's food on the table.

Oh, that's right. He doesn't mind sharing vegetables that much. Last time, he even offered me his half-finished bowl of brocoli.

How thoughtful.

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" I ask him in a deceptivly sweet voice as my hand slides up to his slightly swollen right nipple, pinching it lightly.

"I - don't know" he answers, shivering a bit within my hold. "I ca- I can cook something for you" he adds, letting out a soft moan as I give his left nipple the same treatment. "There is... some cabbage and spinach left in the fridge"

I snort at that. "No, thanks. I want to eat something sweet"

"There's nothing sweet left. I ate - uh - I mean we ate all the biscuits yesterday. I'm sorry"

"You're wrong, you know" I whispers against his ear, my smile widening as a low whine escape him.

"Am- am I?"

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