meet the characters

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   Love you guys

EMILY BANKS - 17 yrs old, sassy, beautiful, clumsy , loud poor  and intelligent, she gets entangled with the rude girls from her new school . And now has the job of fixing love between two people

XAVIER SMITH - 19 yrs old , proud , arrogant, filthly rich, he is the typical example of hotness .. he is the basketball captain and makes Emily's life miserable..

SAMANTHA STONE - no high school is complete without the bad bitch and Sam( as she is called for short) has proved to be the baddest in the game..she is a beautiful ,mean,rude , arrogant and intelligent girl who had a huge crush on Xavier since their kindergarten,she saddle Emily with the responsibility of making it work between them while making life unbearable for her

PEIGE BROOKS - Emily's friend , daughter of the school cleaner,not so pretty ,shy and has a huge crush like every other girl on Xavier however their social status makes her stay at a distance

LOUIS LONGMAN - Xavier's friend , handsome,nice,rich,he is your ideal gentleman not like his baddass friend.eventually started liking Emily

CHRIS WALTER - Xavier's friend, handsome,proud, rich and is just as bad as XAVIER,he has a huge crush on Samantha but she instead uses him as a bait to get closer to Xavier

RICKY  ANDERSON - every mean girl needs her puppets..and this sweet innocent girl desperate to fit in the popular girls is a victim

ISABELLA  HEMS - she is Samantha's puppet,loyal to the core

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