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         Emily's POV...,......

    My name is Emily banks,and pls don't be decieved by the name my family is poor and berely surviving,I had to combine two off jobs and schooling in other to buy this elite scholarship form,we moved from Detroit to San Jose California a transfer student at the prestigious starlake academy.i haven't been to the school yet but from it's pictures in magazines I know am in for a huge surprise.we moved to this city's slump and it's rent is much more expensive than our house in Detroit,my mom had to endure working at a movie theater, cleaning dishes for obese Mr Tom cafe, babysitting Mrs Everest's annoying baby and making pancakes at an overrated Chinese restaurant downtown just to pay for a house here and all we got here is a room,tiny bathroom,a sitting room and a kitchen that is separated from the sitting room by a curtain in the poorest part of the city.thinking about it thank God it's just me and my mom if I had a younger sibling I won't want them to go through what am going through..

  " Hey!!!! Get your ass up from that bed you lazy bag of potatoes" my mom yelled hitting the broken room door

  " Yep" that's my mom ,my very strict , overworked,never smiling , always angry mom

   " Mom !! This isn't Detroit you don't just tell at people here,we have neighbors, you may......

" Hey!!!" She yelled again " young lady watch it,I pay the same rent they pay and if there is still some honestly in our system ,I should get the higher right here cuz I swear for my rent while all they do is defraud people like me

" Seriously mom,are you really saying this here,what if someone hears you and.........

" And what...?" She cut me again " what are they gonna do huh..??.. put me in prison for saying the truth..well that's all they got"
   That's my typical mom,she for all the reason in the world hate rich people,and at some point I guess it rubbed off on me,I hate their guts the most,,once while my mom was babysitting Mrs Everest's annoying baby,the spoon accidentally slipped from her hand and Mrs Everest's accused my mom of wanting to kill her child,just for that she withdrew my mom's pay and I missed a school trip...
Thinking about it am totally justified,we are not allowed to go to the same school as the rich kids and when we attend our poor school our certificates are not accepted cuz they believe we weren't taught well,,and when we manage to get it..they make jobs tideous for us, insult us the way they like it,Force us to give them the Respect they don't deserve ,and yet pay us very far as I know I missed out on alot As a child just cuz we are technically the concept of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer is repeatedly playing in my life..they use us to enrich themselves..and I strongly believe rich folks deserve everything they get from we poor folks.....

   " Better get ready and leave this minute or your gonna get it from me" she yelled and stumped out

  " Uuuuuuuurgh" I grumbled.picked up my now dead towel and strodd into the bathroom...

  " Hey viola" my mom screamed from the kitchen "don't you dare wear trousers today,dress like a lady for Christ sake". Why she prefers calling me viola to emiy I still don't get......


I got dressed and went into the kitchen where my mom was boiling water with her back towards me..
" Am ready" I said

" Wats this" she said upon turning to me "do you enjoy disobeying me..??"

  "Come on mom, you Know I look hilarious in gowns and besides isn't this nice...? Kylie gave it to me " I said caressing the Blue jeans ,my friend Kylie gave it to me just before we left Detroit.. It's my first day at  school,,I needed to dress nice and it's the only new thing I own.

  " We are already miserable why are you trying to make it frustrating by always being on jeans" my mom said

  "Mom!!!" I yelled "that hurts" my mom's mean words is what makes me determined to get good grades and alleviate her of our poverty ..she has already suffered alot.a machine cut her middle finger when I was a baby but she still had to work with it cuz she needed money for my medication.

   "No breakfast" I asked looking at the cracked wooden table that served as our dinner table

   " There" my mom said throwing half  tosted bread on the table " that's the leftover from yesterday"

  " this all" I said slumping on the chair.

" Yes we're you expecting more...??.. where do you think you are..?? ... Buckingham palace....???... Am I your cook...."

STUCK WITH HIMNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ