Chapter 2

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Darryl's POV
I have feelings for Zak. He makes me so happy when we record. He has made my life 100x better. I get so excited when we talk. I want to tell him, I've wanted to for so long, but today I finally have the courage to tell him...
Zak: Hey Darryl!
Darryl: Hey!
Zak: There's been something I've been meaning to tell you.
Wait, does he have feelings for me? This can't be! This is perfect!
Darryl: What is it?
Zak: Listen, I know this is embarrassing, but I have feelings for you.
OH MY MUFFINS! He actually likes me? This has to be a prank.
Darryl: wow nice prank.
Zak: No I mean it. When we talk, it just feels right, I just love your personality. Never mind, this is dumb
I believe him, but it's still so crazy wow we both have feelings for each other!
Darryl: No it's fine! You won't believe this but I have feelings for you too.
Zak: NO FUDGING WAY! You can't be serious!
Darryl: I am serious!
Zak. Sorry I have to go, hopefully I can talk to you soon! :)
Darryl: Same!
I can't tell if he's playing with me or not. This could be the beginning of a new relationship!

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