𝟎𝟑- 𝐂𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞

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   A/N: just made some minor tweaks in the dialogue! :)

   Before you could step out the door Cher gently grabs your arm "Hey I'll call you tonight alright?" she says You nod and bid her goodbye walking to the car you could see Josh already inside the car. You hop on and he starts the engine, you fidget with the strap of your backpack "So where we heading to"  he asks 

"Oh um 8371 North  Peachtree street" you respond "That's quiet far...what are you doing going to school all the way up here" you rack your brain for an answer but there doesn't seem to be one

"I'm honestly not all that sure my parents just registered me and my siblings there"

"Siblings?" he asks 

"Mhm I have an older brother Jeffrey, he's usually the one who drives me and my sister Kristi to school but I wouldn't call us that" 

"What do you mean by that?" 

"Well we don't get along half of the time, and I seriously thinks she hates my guts or something it's been like that ever since she reached teenagerhood" you reply 

"Have you tried talking to her about why"  he asks

"I have but every time I approach her she turns the other way and I don't know why but I won't give up that easily, what kind of older sister would that make me"

"That's good to hear, and hey if you ever need a ride to school just...give me a call alright?" 

You could feel your face heat up at his comment 

"As nice as that is I don't even have your number" you reply

"Oh right let me-" he goes to grab something out of his pocket but you grab his hand to stop him "Hey eyes on the road yeah? you can give it to me once you drop me off there's no rush good looking" you tease  you see him shake his head 

"Well you got any tunes in this old thing?" you ask

"Hey! she's not that old, and yes check the glove compartment there should be something there" he retorts. Before you go to open it you look over at him "It isn't crybaby music is it?" you ask 

"God not you too"  he groans 

"Kidding kidding don't go crying on me now, I'm not too picky with my taste" you say

You finally reach over to the glove compartment you look around in it for a bit before grabbing a random one and putting it in it starts off with a soft guitar and you start  bopping your head along to the tune. 

"This isn't half bad" you say

Josh rolls his eyes at your comment "See? it's not all crybaby music"   you laugh at his remark

The ride home felt a lot shorter than you had remember or maybe it just seemed that way with great company, either way you weren't complaining you got a chance to talk with Josh and bond a little 

"How have things been since you've been back" you ask

"It's been good just trying to figure out the next step to take my college career it's just been so...y'know stressful?" he replies "Besides that I'm helping out Mel with his case files and trying not to run into the blonde shopaholic" 

"You mean Cher right?" you ask

"That is correct" he replies 

You laugh at his reply 

"While I totally agree that she is a shopaholic don't let that deceive you, Cher's quiet smart...In her own way"  you say

"I wouldn't be to sure about that but she has her looks if her 'ways' ever backfire "he says

"Well yeah she is quiet a Betty which is why it makes me wonder why she doesn't have a boyfriend yet." you ask

"Well what about you?"  he asks


"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asks while scratching the back of his head

You became flustered by his question

"Um no not at the moment....the guys seems to always seem to go after Cher but I don't really mind it she is really attractive after all so I don't blame them!"  you reply 

He mumbles something under his breathe but you don't quite catch it.

"On the subject of significant others do you have a girlfriend?" you ask

"Well I wouldn't say we're dating yet but... there is someone" he hesitates

Your not sure why but you felt a sudden pang in your chest  when he said those words

"Ah, you guys are taking it slow that's understandable" you say 

"Yeah"  he replies you hum at his response

The rest of the ride home was filled with mindless chatter and occasional silence, you eventually reach your street and tell Josh that the house is just a block down he nods and drives. You eventual reach your house as you exit his car he stops you

"Could you give me your arm for a sec?" 

you give him a weird look

"I guess?" you extend your arm out to him

"Thanks now all that's left to do is-" he grabs a marker from his glove compartment, you feel something cool on your arm and you see Josh writing on it.

"-There ya go my number, call whenever"

You look down at your arm to see a line of digits, you laugh

"Pfft ahaha, you could have just wrote it down on some paper you goof"

"yeah but where's the fun in  that" he replies

"Well I guess your right, I gotta go now thanks for the ride Josh" 

"No problem, like I said anytime"

"Goodnight drive safe Josh" you say and head inside

A/N might go and add some more to this later but I hoped you enjoyed reading!

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