news :/

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so um hii sorry it's been so long since the last update but I haven't been able to write much for this story much primarily for personal reasons and the second reason being  clueless has been taken off netflix and I haven't had much luck finding it  on any other sites :( (but if u have any sites pls send em my way I would like to finish this story and it brings me joy that all those who have read it have enjoyed it this far but this might have to be put on hiatus until i can find a reliable site to watch it on so i can write along or i might end up just buying it on DVD if its available so until then expect irregular updates thank you all for being patient with me


OTHER NEWS I've recently finished watching anne with an E and I was absolutely enamored by the show if you haven't seen it yet I definitely recommend it it's available on Netflix  and i think i might be writing a story :)  that's all thank you for sticking with me and this story so far <3

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