Huffing, I looked up from doing my laundry, "Did I ask?" Raising my brow at Sanderson.


"Then I don't care." I fluttered my lashes, continuing to do my laundry.

"You really do though. Your just in denial, darling." He retorted.

"No your just full of yourself, Sanderson." I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Besides, I know you enjoyed my little gesture," He smirked while putting his laundry in piles on top of the washer while leaning over it. He was exactly right, it was really bold but hot at the same time. He saw right through me. "I saw you get flustered when you turned away," Sanderson then walked over to me, standing in front of me. "I saw you bite those pretty little lips of yours," He placed both of his arms either side of me, leaning forward while smirking at me, trapping me in between his arms. "Don't lie to me," Shaking his head, he tilted my chin up with his fingers, making me look dead at him in the eyes. "You know you enjoyed it, darling."

He then dragged his fingers down the side of my cheek, making my lips let out a huff, "Maybe I did," I started, going back to my laundry. "But I'm not associating myself with you and you're still full of yourself." Wiggling my way under his arms, down the front of the washer, and standing back up, I grabbed a pile of my delicates and went over to a washer across from the one running.

Sanderson was still leaned against the washer as he chuckled lowly, shaking his head. Turning to open the washer door I heard him walk over to me, "You already have, darling," He chuckled. "And are these yours?"

Whipping my head around, I saw Sanderson dangling a pair of my lace panties by his fingers, smirking at me. My face started turning crimson red as I lunged for my underwear in Sanderson's hands. My face bumped into his solid chest as I reached up for my underwear, he just raised his arm high in the air again.

"Can ya not dangle my delicates in the air-" I jumped to reach my panties while my face still burned.

Raising my brow while placing my hands on my hips, "Ok, well, Sanderson, can ya give me my delicates back?" I cocked my head to the side, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Nei, I like it when you beg, darling." His Icelandic accent was thick as he spoke English.

"Well, I'm not a dog." I snapped, gripping his arm with hot hands. I used all of my strength to rip his arm down to grab my panties from his hand, then I threw it in the other washer with all my other delicates, starting the cycle.

I walked over to the other washer to see if my clothes were ready to be dried, I opened the door, and pulled out the clothes, walking down a little way to put my clothes in the drier. Olaf was apparently following me because when I turned around, I bumped into him again.

"Ya just can't stop following me around," Shaking my head, I pushed passed Sanderson, back over to my other clothes. "Can ya?"

"Nei, I'm just trying to prove a point."

"Ya, what's that?" I started, whipping my head around. "You're an annoying asshole?"

Olaf chuckled at my insult, going back and doing his laundry, "Haha, very funny."

I finished putting the rest of my clothes in the washer and took my delicates out of the washer and exchanged the two loads. Bringing the one load back, I shuffled through the pile, looking for a specific shirt to wear so I could wash the clothes on me. Finally, I found the shirt I wanted, it was a grey tee shirt with "PROPERTY OF HENDRIX" and the Hendrix logo on it with a hockey stick and the American flag printed on the front. It was one of those big baggy tee shirts that looked like a dress. Fulton gave it to me cause he didn't really wear it, so I wore it as a bed shirt.

𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑦 𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 - 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 - 𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu