Coach was also at a loss for words hearing this news, "Um...hard work. I think our team is ready to go head to head with the best in the world. Iceland may be big and tough but we're not worried about'em-"

Interrupting Coach, "We're Team USA and we're going all the way." I smiled before the audience cheered. Mr. Tibbles gave me two thumbs up with a wide smile before standing up.

The team then patted my back, cheering for my choice of words, "Ok that's it! Thank you very much, everyone!" Mr. Tibbles dismissed everyone.

"How'd we do?" I whispered to Mr. Tibbles.

"Excellent! Both of you!" He patted our backs. "Brilliant choice of words, by the way, Victoria," He complimented me while patting my back.

"Team USA is going down!" A voice snapped, making everyone look to see a tall tan light brunett with slick back hair and a suit standing in front of a group of mainly blondes and some brunetts.

Next to him was a beautiful shorter lady with almost white hair

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Next to him was a beautiful shorter lady with almost white hair. Looking at all of the guys behind the two in the front was a familiar face standing next to the man in the front. The brunett boy who charmed me at the party, Gunnar. My face dropped as I saw him in his black Iceland gear with their flag on the right side of the windbreaker that the team of boys all shared.

Not only did Gunnar strike my sight, but another boy also struck my eyes, a tall broad shoulder blond. His hair almost matched the ladies hair, I almost mistook them for mother and son but looking at the two faces that didn't match. He was the tallest out of all of them and the biggest one out of all of them, only a foot taller than Gunnar. The blond had dark piercing orbs and soft lips like Banksie. I was staring at the boy and he noticed, staring back at me, smirking at me like I was his next meal to devour. He puckered his lips, blowing me a kiss while throwing me a wink before going back to smirking at me. My face turned crimson as I turned to the side, biting my lip in embarrassment.

"That's where you're going!" The man in the front finished, making me turn to look at the man again.

"Hey!" I shouted, Coach then grabbed my arm.

"Vic don't." He whispered, but I ignored his protest.

"Why don't ya take your negativity somewhere else and take your arrogance with ya!" I scolded the man which made the team burst out into laughter except for Gunnar and the blonde lady.

"Why don't you put your pit bull on a leash, Bombay!" The man chuckled before someone walked up to him to calm him down. "See ya on the ice!" He added.

"That's...uh...Stansson," Mr. Tibbles stumbled with his words. "Coach of the Iceland team. He's wound a little tight." He finished.

"Stansson from the N.H.L.? Wolf "The Dentist" Stansson is coaching?" Coach Bombay snapped his head from looking at me to Tibbles, and Stansson.

"You didn't tell us that." I groaned, rubbing my temples.

"Well, I didn't think was relevant." Mr. Tibbles replied. Coach then told the team to get off the stage. Charlie, Kenny, and Jules stood on the stairs, staring at the team.

"That guy's a dentist?" Kenny stood behind the two.

"No, that was his nickname," Charlie corrected Kenny. "Played one year of pros and collected more teeth than goals," Charlie turned his head slightly to look at Kenny. "He even punched out his own coach!"

"I heard they ran him outta the league and the country," Jules said in a low omniscient voice while staring at Coach Stansson.

"What happened to freedom of speech? This is America! Huh?" He said to the guy who came over to calm him down.

"I heard he is a dick and an asshole," I replied which made the three turn around.

Charlie chuckled, "Your basically right, Vic," He paused to wipe the happy tears form his eyes, "A spineless asshole."

"And that's his team!?" Kenny discretely pointed to the Iceland team while Charlie, Jules, and I started walking away. "They're huge!" Kenny said while trailing behind us.

Noticing Coach and Miss McKay talking, I decided to join them, "A giant polar bear with sunglasses is part of hockey now? I guess the game's really changed." She swiped a loose strand of hair behind her ear while Coach laughed.

"I can definitely agree with ya on that Miss McKay," I added myself into the conversation, Miss McKay smiled at my comment.

Then Mr. Tibbles came walking up to the three of us, "Gordon, come on, CNN, one on one." He waved his hand.

"CNN." Coach shrugged before walking away with Tibbles to do his one on one interview.

Then the Hendrix bear walked by, waving his paw at Miss McKay, "Hello there missy, how boutta bear hug?" Then passed by.

Miss McKay rubbed the back of her neck from the bear making her feel uncomfortable, then Tibbles walked up to me, "Vicki, Seventeen, one on one interview.

"Seventeen." I shrugged before walking off with Mr. Tibbles to go to my interview.

Mr. Tibbles introduced me to everyone involved with the interview. They made me pose for a few pictures and then they sat me down in a folding chair you would see Hollywood actors sit in.

The lady asking me questions was very nice. She always used her manners and smiled at me. Her first question was about if I knew about the haters. To her surprise, when I said yes, her face was in shock.

The next question she asked was about the meeting with the Iceland team and what my thoughts were, "The Iceland team is bigger than I expected but their act of intimidation didn't impress me."

"How so?"

"Well, to me, size doesn't matter. They can intimidate me all they want but in the end, nothing scares me." I folded my arms over my chest.

The lady chuckled, "Well I wouldn't be surprised, you're a very head-strong young lady."

Cracking a smile, I nodded my head, "Thank you."

"Now still on the subject of the Iceland team, have you met any of them?"

"No," I lied. "No I haven't and I would very much like to keep it that way." I lied again through my teeth.

The lady nodded her head, leaving a silence in the air, "Thank you," She smiled. "Thank you for joining me in this interview and for giving up your valuable coaching time."

"It's no problem, thank you for having me." I smiled back at the lady interviewing me.

" I smiled back at the lady interviewing me

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