Chapter 1 ~Oops~

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Above picture of Whitney
As I strolled into the school I saw three people that could instantly turn my day from bad to terrible.

They were popular beyond belief hit only because they were pretty. Not an ounce of fat on them anywhere and the most stunning hair you've ever seen.

First there was Whitney. She was the leader with silky blonde hair and big purple eyes, did I say purple eyes? Yup! She was part of the 1% of lucky people who had beautiful purple eyes which complemented every part of her. She was dressed in a baby pink crop-top with a short black skirt barely covering her thighs. She was the school "girl". She would do anything for any hot guy who asked for it while she had the rudest attitude towards everyone else. Including me.

Then there was Whitney's side chick as she called her, Rebecca. Rebecca didn't look like she enjoyed being in the group at all but Whitney bribed her to stay in the group because it made Rebecca's crush notice her more. Becca was wearing her typical skinny jeans and her shirts neckline plunged so far down it basically exposed her entire stomach.

Finally there was Claudia. Claudia was Whitney's twin sister and the two were almost exactly the same. Same hair, same outfit, same attitude but Claudia didn't have purple eyes. Instead, hers were a mottled brown which actually suited her a lot. Damn these pretty girls!

That's when the world decided it hated me because Whitney noticed me walking into school with my head down and a pile of books in my hand. I began to speed walk but something in Whitney's face told me to slow down or I wasn't going to like what happened next.

So I slowed down, walking at a casual pace through the halls, passing the other kids and giving smiles to the ones I knew. See! I wasn't a bad person! So why did the world hate me? What did I do to deserve seeing Whitney's beautiful face so early in the morning. Damn it!

"Hey there poison Ivy! Wanna play a game?" Whitney's voice was right next to my ear and I cringed a bit at how high pitched her voice was. "Err no, thanks but I'm busy." I told her politely, trying my hardest to just keep walking like she wasn't there at all. "Aww but Ivyyy I want to play a game." She whined and I sighed in exasperation, reaching my locker and opening the door to grab my books.

I smelt it before I saw it. Rotting meat had a really overwhelming smell so even before I opened the door I knew I was about to find something foul. Upon seeing the dead rabbit in my locker I screamed and jumped away, pushing Whitney away from me in the process. She went tumbling down to the floor and I froze, knowing full well I was about to get it now.

There was a tense silence as Whitney got to her feet, dusting off her skirt when she had stood up. All along the hallway kids had their phones out and recording because they knew as well as I did that Whitney hated being pushed around. Her voice was the only sound echoing down the corridor when she smiled sweetly and said, "well that wasn't very nice was it?"

I bit my lip in nerves and then tensed when Whitney let out a cry that sounded so much like a feral cat I was taken aback. She jumped at me, screeching and yelling as she tore at my hair and clothes. In a heartbeat I had gathered.muself and our roles were reversed. I was on top of her, smashing her face into the tiles of the floor. With every smack I thought of something she had done to me and that fuelled my anger even more as I grabbed her by her hair and threw her into my locker where the door was still open so the dead rabbit was inches from her face.

She let out another scream before fainting due to the smell and her head injuries while I suddenly felt sick to my stomach at what I had just done. Oh. My. God. I just beat up Whitney Suvleka. I was so dead. My step dad was so going to kill me if I got expelled. What if she's dead? No, she isn't dead I didn't kill her.

As I had my mini panic on the inside I stayed cold and impassive on the outside when I had finished my performance which got several cheers and a lot of yells of protest. Most girls hated Whitney but they also hated me so they didn't know how to react while other girls loved Whitney and were furious I had beaten her up. Did I mention I go to an all girl school? Yup. I go to a school with no hot guys, no guys at all. None!

I almost cried when I saw Mr. Balliol stalk towards me down the hallway. I was done for. "Miss Ace. Please follow me." He said in a cold voice and I swallowed before following him, careful to avoid the eyes of all the girls around us.

"Miss Ace-" Mr Balliol started but I raised an eyebrow and cut him off. "My name is Ivy." He pursed his lips but didn't press the matter. "Do you understand that what you did is against the law?" He asked and I froze. "You nearly killed Miss Suvleka with your physical violence." I nodded at him, not wanting to make this any worse then it already was. Mr. Balliol pulled out a file and I knew what it was. My record.

"Ivy Ace, 15 turning 16 in 3 months, mother deceased, father unavailable, A's all round except for the occasional B." Mr Balliol trailed off as he read my file out loud. "There is nothing here that might suggest you would attack Miss Suvleka like that. So may I suggest your motives?"

His voice was calm but for some reason that made me angry. Also the way he had casually said that my mother was dead angered me more. "Shouldn't you be questioning her? She's the one that makes my life living hell. Or does her mummy and daddy pay you too much to yell at her?"

And that was it. I could tell from the look on Mr Balliol's face that I had just messed up badly. "Suspension." He said before standing up and glaring at me. "Not another word Miss Ace or it shall be expulsion."

Suddenly his voice interrupted my thoughts again as he turned towards me with a smirk on his face. "And don't let your grades lack. We can't have another incident like last year." His voice made me eyes widen and I jumped to my feet. "You said you would forget about that!" He grinned at me with his toothpaste-ad smile. "I lied."

I yawned as Mr Bonacci spoke about the mitochondria but it seems I was a little loud because he turned towards me and gave me a death glare. "Won't you pay attention in class Ivy? It's no wonder your graded are falling."

The class burst into laughter and my blood was boiling in anger but I refused to give him a reaction. Instead I just yawned again and gave him a bored look. "Bit of a dick move saying that in front of everyone don't you think?" I questioned and the whole class gasped except for my friend Lara who slapped my arm to try to shut me up.

"Is that how you talk to your professors Miss Ace?" Mr. Bonacci questioned me angrily and I shook it off with a small roll of my eyes which everyone saw. "Oh, right, sorry. Bit of a dick move saying that in front of everyone don't you think SIR."

The class erupted into laughter but both Lara and I kept our cool. We both stared blankly at Mr Bonacci when the class quietened to silence again. I winked at one of the kids staring at me as I purposely dropped my head into my arms and made exaggerated snoring sounds. You could have heard a pin drop it was so silent except my snoring/snorting sounds. Everyone was waiting for Mr. Bonacci's reaction to this. I made the mistake of opening one eye and making eye contact with Lara. Not even a second later we were both on the floor in fits of laughter. "Oh my god..." She choked as I started to contain my giggles and snorts.

I looked up to see Mr. Bonacci's face. It was red and extremely angry looking and I knew I had made a mistake. 3... 2... 1... "PRINCIPALS OFFICE! NOW! BOTH OF YOU!" He roared which caused both me and Lara to begin to laugh again as we made our way out of the classroom. Who needs science anyway right? Right?

                  END OF FLASHBACK

That day Lara got expelled because she was already on her last warning and I was given my first detention. School was never fun once Lara had left so I became less daring with the teachers but just as stubborn with the other kids. Although Mr. Bonacci never did forgive me... And now Mr. Balliol was bringing it up again... Double oops.

A/N: it's a short chapter but they will get longer.

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