Chapter 15

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I awake with a jolt. Peeta does love me. It was just a dream. This dream scarred me. Cuts. Cuts. Wrist. Thighs. Hips. Write more poems. Poems. Hates life.
I have 2 notebooks filled with these poems. I hear everyone talking outside.
"Her eyes. They used to shine so bright." Glimmer says. "She thinks we'll be okay without her." Finnick says. I'll make you proud one day. I promise, I think. Oh. One day.
"Kat? Open the door please." Peeta says. I trudge over to the door and open it. "Let it out." He rubs my back. "Just hold me." I whisper. I want him to hold me and never let go.

All of you who thought last chapter was a dream,
You were correct.
Short chappy.
Thank you JhisphineMichelleC 😘 for messaging me. I needed that me minded.
Stay Fab,
Little Miss Roxana🙊

"So shy and I'm loving his tie."

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