Chapter 10

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"Kat?" I keep walking. "Kat?" Don't stop walking. "Katniss?" Still don't stop. "KATNISS HOLLY EVERDEEN!" My name booms around the halls at Panem High. Just keep walking, Katniss. "Leave me alone." I whisper, like a scared, little girl. "I'm sorry." Finnick whispers. He's like my brother. He put everyone up to this. And I'm sick of it. It's been 4 days since my date and Peeta... Well he tries to ask me out again but I say no. I promised myself not to let anyone else in. I already let Perrie, Jade, Jesy, Leigh-Anne, Annie, Finnick, Clove, Finch, Marvel, Cato, Johanna, Gale,and Glimmer in. I won't let anyone else in. 12people is enough. "Katniss. Please." Finnick begs. "Leave me alone. Forever. I want to die." I say. "I want to be with Dad. And Mom. And Prim." He wraps my in a hug. No, he doesn't have a crush on me or anything, he's like my brother. And brother hug sisters and vice-versa. "We all need you Kat. You can't give up." "Why? It's even harder to wake yourself from a nightmare when you're not asleep." And with that I sprint to my house.

Perrie POV

"BABY PLEASE" I sing. I'm currently practicing my high note. My phone beeps.

From- Finn🌊

Come quick. It's Katniss! Tell the others! Come to the hospital!

I freak out and text the others.

I hop in my car and drive to the hospital, not caring about the paparazzi. My friend is in the hospital I won't care bout them stupid paps. I rush into the hospital, my pink hair flying everywhere, from the wind coming through the windows that I don't care to close. I park, get out of the car and run into the hospital. I see Finnick crying. Wow. Finnick is crying. So is everyone else. Including Johanna. Uh-oh this is bad. "What happened?" I ask Cato, who has the least tears running down his face. "Katniss attempted suicide."

Dun dun dun
Katniss attempted suicide.
What did Finnick put everyone up to?
Enjoy the Perrie POV?
Stay Fab,
Little Miss Roxana🙊

"Promise I've been drinking lemonade. That's all I take."

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