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"Weeell" Emily crossed her arms and tapped her foot expectantly, "aren't you going to thank me?"

"For what?" Scoffed Chase, sending up a silent prayer that the council would summon him back soon... if only to save him from her.

"For not telling them about how off you've been lately of course!"

"And you don't think they're already aware of everything that goes on around here already? Besides, both our fathers are on the council anyway so it's not like they couldn't ask one of them."

"Whatever" she huffed and sat next to him on the bench.

"You did quite well in there just now." She began more softly after one silent moment. "You know, I was pretty worried about you for a while there... But it all makes sense now, why you haven't been yourself lately... like your mind was always off in some other place. All this time you were conducting this radical and dangerous experiment and if it had gone wrong... well, I don't even have to say it do I?"

"You done?" He asked flatly. "If you're trying to give me some weird sort of encouragement, it isn't working."

She pursed her lips and gave him a sideways glance.

"You know, what I still don't get is why? Why this? And what on earth gave you this crazy idea anyway??"



"Yes, dogs" he affirmed. "You look out there and these days nearly everyone has one. Most of them are just companions, pets. But we train them to do certain things. Hunting, herding, guarding and protecting... you get the picture. But tell me, where did dogs come from? Originally I mean?"

"...Wolves?" She asked uncertain of where he was going.

"Exactly... we took wild, dangerous wolves and over time created something both loyal and useful." Turning his head he looked her in the eye "And now, tell me, what are these Shifters?"

Her eyes grew wide in realization. "You mean to turn these rabid monsters into trained pets?!" She gaped. "Why that's... that's... well I don't even know what to say. But... if you're right about this one being more loyal to you than to her own kind, then you just might be on to something! This could be a game changer... But of course we'd eventually still have to put them down after they've outlived their usefulness. I mean, even the best dog can still turn on you. After all a wild animal is still a wild animal." Chase leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes as Emily rattled on.

Finally, some time later, he was summoned back into the council chamber.

"We have decided to let this Shifter live for the time being. And to give it the cure." The chairman's eyes scrutinizing Chase as he spoke. "However, we will be putting your claims to the test before we decide whether or not to allow you to continue this further."

"Of course" Chase replied respectfully. He felt a sense of relief that the immediate threat was, at least for the present, neutralized... but what exactly did they mean to do with her now? He wondered. And that still deeply worried him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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