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Chase ran back through the woods. He knew nearby was an old road and he hoped to find what he was after alongside it. He had no such luck. Scouting up and down it and everywhere he could see there was no sign of the creamy trumpet flowered plant he so desperately needed. He was running out of time. Deciding he could not risk leaving Nat alone any longer he  was forced to abandon his search.

Returning to her side he cradled her in his arms.

"Hold on Nat. I'm gonna get you to your Pack. You're gonna be ok. Just hang on."

Pulling out his phone he dialed Kay's number. "Blast it! No signal!"

Natalia was barely conscious now and he feared for her life. "Just hang on!" He murmured over and again, starting for the Pack boundary.

He had hardly taken a few steps when he heard a stick snap behind him. Whipping around, for the first time in his life he secretly hoped to be met with a Shifter.

Out from the trees stepped two familiar figures, scowls darkening their otherwise attractive features. Anger practically radiated off the brown eyed girl. But it was Chase's father who spoke first. "Chase. What is the meaning of this?"

Chase could sense movement in the trees around them. He didn't know how many others were there, but he was clearly outnumbered.

"I call for a council." He stated, standing straight and tall. "This one is not to be harmed until the council has spoken. I need her alive."

"Emily," he faced the girl, keeping his tone even lest it betray his emotions,  "the antidote."

"Over my dead body" she spat.


"Miss Jacobs," Artemis cut in, cold eyes continuing to bore into his son, "like it or not Chase has invoked the council on this matter. You must comply."

She hesitated a moment before begrudgingly thrusting her hand into her pocket and pulling out a small vial.

"Here" she tossed it carelessly towards him, causing him to step forward awkwardly and fumble to catch it without dropping the unconscious Shifter in his arms. "It won't be enough to cure her completely... but it should keep her alive for now."

Laying her carefully back down on the ground Chase wasted no time in administering the ointment to her wound.

"This had better be good." Warned Artemis as the other Hunters moved in to form an escort.


Hey! Short chapter, I know. Hope you're enjoying this story. Remember it does come after "caught in the crossfire" and although it can be read as a stand-alone I would still encourage you to read that one if you haven't. As always, be sure to like or comment! I love getting feedback from you all :)

Note: fun little tidbit, I really like the idea of names that actually mean something. So many of my characters in both this and my previous book (esp the principle characters) have names with at least some significance. (For example: Artemis (alt spelling for Artamos) is "butcher") So if you're like me and into that sort of thing then I invite you to look them up :)

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