"Most likely to happen again. Just don't expect to receive your full salary."

Techno was still standing in one spot when the two men turned the corner.
Techno looked at them with wide eyes before speaking. "Is it true? What you just said, is it true?" The men both look surprised as they hadn't expected to find someone in the room. "Oh Techno? Your shift is over??" one man said but soon he went to comfort Techno. "It's just a rumor that is going around. Don't take it to heart, okay?" The room was quite but the silence was broken by Techno's phone.

When he picked up, he realized he was alone in the room again. "Hello?"
It was Techno's Younger brother Technic who had called. "Are- are you still at w...work?" The voice went on to ask its question between soft sobs.

"Yes, but my shift is over. What is it?"

"It's- it's Grandpa..." Techno felt a slight change in the gravitational pull. His legs were heavier then usual, because of this he felt an urgent need to sit down after doing so he asked a question he knew he will regret for ever. "What happened?"

"......." Nothing but sobbing could be heard from the other side. Techno had a bad feeling stuck in his chest and slowly it was growing in to pain.

Finally Technic got the strength to answer his brothers question but...
"his- his been admitted at the hospital..." Technic couldn't say his sentence with out stopping to take a deep inhale.

Techno closed his eyes trying to not think about the worst case scenario.
He pulled the phone back and let a deep breath out before putting the phone back to his ear and speaking to his baby brother. "Okay... Am on my way. What floor are you on?" Techno asked while picking up his bag. "We're on level 2, room 162"
Once he knew where to find them he dropped the call and walked to the door but before he opened it he was hit by a strong force that caused him to fall to the ground and in seconds a river fell from his closed eyes. He pulled his knees to his chest trying to control his emotions but the pain was enormous. He tried whipping away the tears but they just came back.

He needed to be strong. He needed to get to the hospital. He took several deep breaths before trying to stand up with his weak legs. He held himself up with the door handle. He forced the river to stop flowing and whipped away the remnants as he went in to the world.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Techno was tired when he reached the hospital. He didn't have enough money to pay for the ride to the hospital so he walked the rest of the way. When he entered through the front he found that the elevator had a big fat sticker on it with the words  out of oder in red. This was a common problem with public hospitals.

He turned a corner and found the staircase. He began to walk up as fast as he could but he was tired. He didn't know if he was physically tired from the journey here or mentally tired from all his emotions.

He turned into the corridor with a  Level 2 metal sign on the wall. He walked with a steady pace as he couldn't find enough air to fill his lungs. After passing a few rooms he found his brother sitting down on a chair out side a room with 162 on the closed door. Techno stopped for a minute to take in what he was looking at.

His brother hadn't noticed him standing there because he had his head in his hands in between his knees. Techno couldn't help but feel bad for his brother having to go through this. He pushed his hair back with his right hand before bending down near his brother. "Hey..." Techno said in a whisper while rubbing his brother's back. Technic raised his head and revealed puffy red eyes to the world.

Technic wiped away as much of the tears before he was pulled into a tight embrace by his older brother. Techno held onto his brother afraid that if he let go, his world would fall apart. "What are we going to do?" Techno heard the voice of scared child ask him. He had no answer because he didn't want to think about the situation. He closed his eyes and carried on stroking the youngers hair.
"How long has he been in there?"

Techno's question seemed to forever damage the peace and silence between them.

Technic sniffed before answering. "Am not to sure...they called me from the bar... When I got here he was already in side....they wouldn't let me see him..." Techno continued to hug his brother tightly. "Is he going to be okay...?" Techno froze at the question.

He pulled back to face his brother. His eyes were still red, evident that he had cried on his shoulder. Techno brought his hand to his eyes and wiped away the tears. He held back his own urge to cry. He let got of a heavy breath as he didn't want to answer such a question and as if the heavens heard is deep cry the door they stood in front of opened to reveal a middle aged man dressed in a while coat.

"...Are you the patient's next of Kin?"

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