Hayden stared up at Draco from his bundle of blankets.

"I'm still upset with you,... but for now, I guess I can accept it," He said with a small pout.

Draco smiled, happy that Hayden had seemed to have forgiven him. He's going to have to work hard though to make sure he doesn't say the wrong thing in the future and this doesn't happen again.


"Are you ready for your interview with the Daily Prophet, Hayden?" Pansy asked from across the table during breakfast. "I heard that Rita Skeeter is giving the interviews. Be careful with her, she'll make anything up in order to sell a good story" She warned the raven boy.

"Thank you for the warning, but i'm sure i'll be just fine. I have had to deal with the press before" Hayden informed the girl.

"Well, still, I don't want her to tarnish your reputation. You need to be prepared"

"Thank you, Pansy. I think I can manage though!" He said with a smile.

When breakfast was over, Hayden made his way over to the office room the interview was going to be in.

"Draco, you don't have to follow me. You can go back to our room. The interview won't take that long"

"I know, but I would feel better if I was in there with you. That way I can make sure that she isn't going to make up bad things about you" Draco said.

"Draco, nothing will happen. Now go back to the dorm" Hayden sated firmly.


"No buts Draco. We just had fought about this subject. I'll be fine, I've dealt with the press before. I know what to do!" Hayden spat, a little fed up with Draco.

Draco looked away from Hayden, trying to reassure himself that Hayden was right and he was just being overly protective. He couldn't help his Veela instincts though! He constantly wanted to protect Hayden and make sure he was safe from everything that could pose as harmful!

"Alright. I'll be waiting in the common room for you" Draco said, feeling a bit rejected.

"Hey," Hayden grabbed Draco's wrist as he turned away, making Draco face him again. "I'll be fine, I promise!" Hayden reassured, giving Draco a comforting smile. Or at least he hoped it was comforting.

"I'll see you in a little bit." Hayden told the blonde.

Draco smiled, wishing he could just hug the other before squashing that desire and heading towards the dungeons.


The camera flash went off as Hayden and the three other champions posed for the picture.

Fleur sat in a seat in the front while Hayden stood behind her. On either side of him stood both Cedric and Viktor, Cedric being a little closer than Viktor.

"What a charismatic quartet" Skeeter says as if in awe when the pictures were done.

"Hello" she says walking forward. "Rita Skeeter. I write for the Daily Prophet, but of course you know that don't you" She continues as she shakes our hands.

"It's you we don't know! Heh, you're the juicy news. What quarks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? What mysteries do those muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath those curls? In short what makes a Champion tick?" She asked as she walked around to Cedric and Hayden.

"Me, myself, and I want to know! Not to mention my rabid readers!" She chuckles.

"So, who's feeling up to sharing?"

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