Chapter 6 - Still

Start from the beginning

“Oh, sweetie, call him.  You sound bloody miserable.”

“I will.  I’ll call him now.  He’s going to be really upset.”

“Not as upset as you are.”

“I suppose.”

“We’ll keep an eye on the weather front from here and let you know if there’s any changes.” Emma said, concern etched in her voice.

“Thanks, sweetie.  I appreciate it.”

“We’ll call you again soon.” Said Rose.

“Or call us if you eventually get to fly.”

“I will.  Bye.”

When she attempted to call Joseph it went straight through to his voicemail service.  Even though it was only a recording, just the sound of his voice comforted Olivia as she waited to leave a message for him.  After hanging up again she tried calling his PA and best friend, Reuben, he’d have some way of reaching him.

“Olivia.” He answered, sounding surprised.  “How are you?”

“I’m… okay.”

“Is everything all right?”

“No, my sodding flight has been delayed yet again and I can’t get a hold of Joseph.  His phone’s off.”

“Oh, well, I spoke to him a few minutes ago and he sounded quite tired so may be he’s just switched it off so he can have a quick nap.  I know talking to your Mum tired him out.”

“Why was he talking to her?”

“I don’t think he had any choice in the matter.  She was probably complaining about your Dad.”

“She hasn’t seen him in a year, why would she be complaining about him now?”

“No reason.” Reuben said after a beat.

“Are you two up to something?”

“Us?  When do we get up to… stuff?”

“What are you playing at Reuben?” Olivia asked tired.  “Please, tell me my mother is not in London.  I’m not going to get home and find her staying in my flat, am I?”

“No, she’s not in your flat.” He answered honestly.

“Good.  Well, if you hear from Joe before I do…”

“I’ll get him to call you.”


“How long has it been delayed by?”

“They’re saying it could be noon, but I don’t think they really know for sure.”

“Sorry, Olli.”

“Not your problem.”

“Anything I can do?”

“I’m afraid this is something even you can’t fix, Reuben.”

He chuckled, “Fair enough.  Well, I’m back in New York, so if you can think of anything you need, just give me a call.”

“Appreciate it.  Thanks.”


Olivia slumped down at a booth and picked up the breakfast menu.

“Well, Joe, wherever you are, I hope you’re having a better day than I am.”

Two hours had passed since the train broke down and they’d heard no more news since the train conductor had come along announcing to each carriage that engineers were on their way to fix the engine.

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