Chapter 9

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I yawned loudly as i woke up from the deepest sleep i'd ever been in. The last thing i remember was falling asleep in one of the gardens on a rather comfy bench, so why was this bench moving? And why was it hairy? And why could i feel the wind against my bare skin?

I opened my eyes and looked down. I was on the back of a giant white horse! I nearly lost my balance from the shock and was about to fall when something white pushed me back on. I looked around to see white tendrils, kinda like snakes, floating around the horse who paid them no heed.

I looked ahead to see that i was nearly at my cousin's, the King of Vampire's castle. What was i doing here? And naked!? Someone had a lot of explaining to do!


I flew through the air once more in my angel form with my mate asleep in my arms. I couldnt wipe the grin off my face. My mate was truly amazing! We were finally one and i was loving it!

I touched down in the castle grounds by the stables. I phased back before i carried my mate up to our room so she could sleep and i could get a change of clothes.

Once changed i kissed my mate softly before i headed to the castle. I needed to speak with my uncle and mother. Storm was in his old pasture meaning she was inside as well.

I found them in my uncle's study. Mom had on fresh clothes and a blanket around her shoulders. When she was me tears formed in her eyes and she sprinted into my arms.

"Oh Lux i was so worried about you! Dont you ever run off like that again without telling me face to face," she said against my chest. I smiled down at her completely happy.

"Care to explain what happened?" Uncle said smiling at us. And so i did. I told them everything from the time Aria was stolen to after we escaped through the tunnel, only omitting mine and Aria's time together.

"So let me get this straight. Since you chose love, your mate, and good you became and angel instead of a demon when you accepted Darkness. You went into hell with a stubborn mule for a horse and rescued your mother and mate from your sperm donor Ssenkrad after you cut him in two when you changed into you angel!" I smirked at Uncle's name for Storm and Ssenkrad and nodded. He smiled back at me as he gave me a huge hug.

I looked at Mom to see tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. "So everythings good now? Your no longer at war with yourself and you have your mate?" "Yes Queen, his mate is completely in love with him and he is at peace with himself," i heard my angel's voice as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. Mom smiled up at her, "welcome to the family Aria!"


It was years later when i was visited by Luna again. I was standing outside gazing at the sunset when she appeared in front of me.

"Hello again Lux, Warrior Angel," she spoke beautifully. "Hello Luna," i smiled back at her.

"You have a choice to make Lux," as she said this an image flashed before my eyes. It was an image of what could only be heaven. it was impossible to describe. All i can tell you is that there were many other angel's like me watching over it all.

"Before your eyes you see the after life. You as a Warrior Angel have the option of becoming apart of your angel and leaving this world forever to watch over those in heaven. You will no longer be allowed to return to earth, but then heaven is much like earth without the stress of living." She spoke softly.

"What about my mate? And the little ones on the way?" I asked breaking free of the image. "They will remain here on earth. You will be unable to visit them, only see them from above."

"Then i will stay here. My angel can leave if he chooses, but i will not leave my little ones and my mate. I am to be King here and i cant leave my land in turmoil." I said completely sure of my answer.

"Fortunately for you your angel is apart of you, therefor he may not leave until your death. You are free to live your life and protect this world from the wrong sort of Darkness. I bid you farewell Warrior," she said before she disappeared in a blinding light.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2012 ⏰

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