Chapter 2

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I grumbled the whole way to the stables as i cursed my Uncle. Though he's not really my uncle, more like second cousin, but i prefer to call him Uncle. He'd come banging on my door this morning and said his stable master could use some help and that i had nothing better to do.

Again my Uncle doesnt take no for an answer.

As i got close to the stables i noticed that people were walking out with a horse each and were dressed in tight, prim clothes that weren't very good on them.

I'd never been around a horse before, and these all seemed small compared to me. I walked into the barn and smelt a heavenly scent all around. It filled the barn so completely that i couldn't trace it anywhere.

"You there. What is your name?" A heavenly voice spoke from a stall off to my right. I turned to find a beautiful girl in tan colored riding breeches and a black jacket. Her hair was done up in a thick bun pinned to her head making it look like she had not very much hair. She was petting a large bay mare.

It took me a moment to answer her, but i finally managed to say, "Lux" the whole time my wolf was screaming 'Mate!' And darkness was hissing in my head.

I watched her shake her head slightly before she motioned for me to come to her. I went eagerly. Her entire body seemed to be swallowed up by mine. Her head barely came to my chest.

Her body was very delicate lookin which hid her strength. She looked up at me and i watched her lips move as she spoke, "i am the stable master. My name's Aria. Have you been around horses before?"

I shook my head no all the while thinking Aria, what a pretty name. "Well you're going to learn. In the feed room is a bucket of warm bran mash. One of my mares foaled last night. She's in the very last stall with her foal. Take the bran to her and be careful. Mares can be protective of their young."

"Aren't all mothers?" I couldn't help but ask. I'm glad i did when a beautiful smile filled her face. "Yes they are," i smiled back at her before i walked over to the room labeled Feed Room and grabbed the luke warm bucket of mush and headed for the end of the stables.

Inside i found a beautiful creature. She was very tall and came up to my chest, larger than any of the other horses i'd seen, but her body looked very delicate hiding the strength in her muscles and legs, kind of like Aria.

She pinned her ears back at me for a moment and i dont know where it came from, but i started to murmur strange things, things about me. Her ears came forward and she reached her head over the door and butted my chest nefore reaching for the bucket.

I pushe her gently back before i undid the latch still murmuring to her and slid in before closing the door again. Her solid black coat shone in the light of the stables as she shook in anticipation for her meal. She tried to get around me to the bucket and i pushed her away saying, "where are your manners? Wait until i get it in your bucket."

She stayed back grumpily till i poored the mash in her bowl. I moved away slightly as she rushed greedily forward and started slurping up the mush these people call bran mash.

She flicked her tail which caused me to see the white bundle in the corner. Curled up in the corner of the stall surrounded by hay keeping it warm was a beautiful baby horse. It held its head low as it slept.

I slowly walked over to it watchin his mother the whole time. She barely flicked an ear my way as i sat down beside her baby. I gently rubbed his neck and to my childish exuberance he stretched it out before sighing and laying his head in my lap.

I sat there for i dont know how long. His mother came over to check her baby sniffin him over before sniffing me slightly then going over to her hay net and proceeded to eat noisily.

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