Chapter 7

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In front of me, handing by her hands just like my mate was my mother. The black snakes swarmed around her body even more so then was surrounding my mate, who was still sleeping soundly with my white snake around her body.

Standing there gazing at her and smiling evily was Ssenkrad. He turned to me with a huge smile and outstretched arms, "Ah Son, it is so good to finally meet you face to face." "I cant say the same," i sneered back.

"Now son is that any way to talk to your father?" "My father is back at home. It takes more than DNA to make a father," i growled at him. Storm moved underneath me restlessly. He laughed, sounding like a mad man, before saying, "then join me Son and let me be a real father to you."

"I'd rather die," i spat at him. His face grew tight before saying, "you will be soon enough." Suddenly the black snakes lunged at me and i was now having to chop at them like weeds while Ssenkrad stood there laughing.

'Darkness, stop this,' i thought to my strands and they formed a large, white wall blocking the dark strands from me. Ssenkrads face grew stormy as he glared at my strands. "Traitors!" They paid him no heed.

He hissed savagely before his body began to morph. Horns grew from his skull, sharp talons reformed his hands, limbs changed before standing before me was a demon. He was pitch black with red eyes. Several of the dark strands had rushed to him.

I felt something stirring with me, but i shoved it down and raised my sword. From a dark strand formed a trydant in his hand.

Storm rushed forward and i brought y sword down to clash against his. He batted me away easily before knocking me off Storm's back. He neighed before running over to Aria and standing guard over her. The dark strands shrank back from him and another white strand wrapped around her.

Turning back to the demon he smiled a smile full of teeth before he brought the trydent down. I blocked it with my sword, but he was pressing down with a lot more strength then a werewolf. Points of the trydent began pressing into my clothes. Suddenly i felt walls break inside of me that held something i never knew about. The demon hiss visciously before pressing down harder, but it was too late.

A pure white glow began to form from my skin before i felt my body change. This felt purer than my wolf and i waited to see what i would become.

My body grew larger as my muscles expanded and hardened. My skin changed into a more golden tan while my shirt tore from my body. Wings grew from my back feeling like the softest of clouds where it touched my skin. The sword in my hand grew much larger, but somehow seeming as light as air.

The demon hissed as i threw him off of me easily. He crashed into the walls of the cave with a loud boom. I looked down at my body. I was an angel?

'Yes young one. After all, all demons were once angels. It was their choice that turned them into the horrid creatures you see before you. Your choice was for love and good, which made your other being an angel. A warrior angel to be exact.' Luna's voice was clear in my mind.

I smiled before i raised my sword. The demon shrank back from me, but i didnt care. He stole my mate and my mother. Raising my sword i brought it down with so much strength it broke through his trydent and split him in two with a sickening hiss. The parts of his body sunk into the earth. Good ridance.

I turned back to my mate with a tender smile on my face.


I woke from one of the most restful sleeps of my life. I sighed when i realized i was still in this hell hole. Looking around i noticed another woman was chained up like me, but all of the dark snakes were gone. I frowned and looked around.

Storm was standing in front of me like a guard. How did he get here? There was a loud crashing hiss and i turned to find a demon's body sinking into the earth, but thats not what held my attention.

Standing there with a a giant sword in his hand was an angel, literally. Flowing white wings rested against his back. Golden skin covered flowing muscle. He was bigger and taller then my mate, but the vampire inside of me was screaming mate!

Frowning i watched as he turned to me. I was completely shocked to see my mate's angelic face on this man's body. He wore and extremely tender smile as he looked at me. He seemed completely at peace, free of all the stress he'd carried all his life. I smiled at him.

He walked up to me and cupped my face so tenderly. I didnt know until i felt the tears rolling down my face that i was crying. He seemed pained for a moment before he wipped the tears away and broke all the chains holding me. My body sagged against him. I could feel my arms and my legs were uncordinated and jelly like.

He picked me up bridal style and i couldnt stop my next move. I crashed his lips to mine for a hungry, greedy kiss that ha my insides blazing. I moaned against his lips making his arms tighten around me as he kissed me back just as hungrily.

When i finally broke away to breath he was smiling such a beautiful smile down at me. I smiled back before i laid my head against his chest.

I didnt see how but the woman was released and placed on Storm's back before there was a loud groaning and the earth opened up to show daylight up ahead. Long white tendrils wrapped around Storm and carried him up.

There was a loud sound of wings and i looked to find Lux with me in his arms flying out of the hell whole and up into beautiful daylight.

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