Chapter 1

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As the castle settled down for the night and all lights were extinguished other than the ones the guards used, i slung my bag over my shoulder and headed through the halls.

There was an advantage to living in a palace all your life. I knew all of the secret ways out of the castle.

I was outside and shifted into my solid white wolf and running before the midnight bell sounded. I just let my wolf run wherever he wished. He was very strong after years of me letting him out so often resulting in me being very tall, 6'5", and nothing but hard muscle. My hair was solid black and my eyes were the color of a full moon with tinges of blue here and there.

I lost count of the miles my wolf ran that night, though we ran many that week avoiding any person and villages. Before i realized it we were in vampire land. My Uncle Jake ruled here along with his mate Serina. Maybe they'd let me stay long enough to get a bite to eat and change of clothes.

I ran through the bustling city to the glares of the people i bumped or pushed through. 'Foolish waste of flesh,' the voice in my head said. 'No their normal people that dont like being pushed now shut up,' to my surprise he actually did.

I woulnt get my hopes of though. It probubly had plans to get me back later. Trying harder not to push past people i made my way to the large castle across the drawbridge that always remained open.

Once at the door i shifted back and asked the guards at the door to announce my presence to my Uncle.

They did it instantly and i waited in the large hall. Not long after they disappeared i heard a booming voice ring out saying, "Nephew! What a great surprise," before he appeared and covered me in a bear hug.

I grinned at him returning the hug before i steppe back and asked, "think i could borrow some clean clothes and a bite to eat?" "Of course you can Nephew, since you'll be staying with us for a while," he said and i began to protest. I had no intention of staying here longer than a few hours.

Unfortunately my Uncle has a mind of his own and doesnt accept no for an answer. I was now currently eating dinner with them in a clean pair of jeans and button down shirt.

I glared grumpily at my uncle who winked at me. The table was full of beautiful girls and i knew what he was up to. I had no hope of fidung my mate until after i learn to control the darkness within me.

'You will never control me,' it whispered through my mind. I ignored it and kept eatin my steak.

Suddenly a prim blond that was obviously easy walked up behind my chair and started rubbing my shoulders while Uncle was speaking with his mate. She bent down till her lips brushed my ear and whispered silkily, "want to join me for some fun?"

I pushed her arms off me and said, "no i wouldnt." She pouted before saying, "Come on dont be that way. I can show you a really good time."

The darkness fed off my anger at this woman. I had ha my fun with women and they only lead to feeding the darkness and making it stronger.

In a dangerous voice i said, "if you know what is good for you you will walk away and never speak to me again. Goodbye." With that i got up and left the dinner table and headed to my room. A heavenly scent filled my nose, but i was to angry to follow it.


"There there pretty girl. You did a great job!" I said patting the huge mare beside me as i helped her clean up her baby. Penelope had just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I could tell he was going to be special to me since his father was my stallion Storm's Heart, or Storm for short.

I was a whopping 5'7" and Storm was 18 hands tall and full quarter horse. Where he got his height is beyond me. We'd been together since the day he was born. His mother had died giving birth to him and i had bottle fed him.

Now he was nothing but a big baby that loved treats and attention. He could out jump any horse in the stable and out run them.

His baby was going to be tall like him, but have his mother's delicate beauty. I kissed the baby whose name would be Penelope's Heart before i gave his tired mother her warm bran mash.

That done i went and changed clothes washing off all of the blood and goo before lettin my hair down and brushing it before pinning it back up again.

I quickly made my way to the dining hall where the King had asked for me to dine tonight. I was late because of the birth, but they would understand.

As i opened the door into the hall i saw a very large man walking out of it. For a mlment his back stiffened before he kept walking. Anger poored off of him in waves and maybe it was my imagination but it seemed like any kind of darkness or shadows reached out to him.As i looked at the women, i knew it was because of Hillary.

She was standing with her arms crossed in anger, but there was fear too. The King hadnt bothered to acknowledge the fact that his guest had left in anger. His attention was on his mate, my Queen.

I made my way over to them and bowed deeply in respect before i said, "please excuse my tardiness. My mare Penelope had her baby and i couldnt leave her alone since it was her first."

The King looked at me eagerly. He had a soft spot for horses. "I am correct in saying it was Storm's child? What was it?" "You are correct sir and it was a boy. His name is Penelope's Heart," i said smiling at him. He smiled back before saying, "please have a seat beside me and tell me all about him and his birth. I'm sure you're hungry after all of that."

I took my seat beside him and between bites i told him everything that had happened and what a wonderful mother Penelope is.

When the story was over and i was full he said, "Aria i was wondering if you could put my nephew to work at your barn for a little while. He's going through a rough time and i'm sure the horses will be good for him." As he said that he stared at me so intently it made me think he had something else in mind.

"I'm sure i can find something for him to do," i gave him a smile. He smiled grandly back at me before he said, "thank you Aria. I'll send him to you in the morning!"

What had i gotten myself into

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