"I've just been working at the bridal store for the most part and when I have some free time I work on my new Instagram account that Nate helped me start. I was reluctant at first, but with a little encouragement from him, I took the risk and started a body-positive Instagram account to encourage women to own their bodies and love themselves as who they are. Nate being the amazing man that he is, not only helped me get started, he also takes all my pictures, which are stunning. And with his help, I have gained thousands of followers in no time. It's really exciting."

"That's incredible. What do you share on there?" Nate's Dad asks curiously.

"Pictures of me in different outfits so plus-sized women can pull inspiration from what I wear. I do pictures both with and without makeup to encourage my followers to love themselves with makeup and naturally. I also share a lot of pictures of Nate and I so they can see the reason I smile every day," I admit shyly. "People love seeing us together and tell me all the time that our love story gives them hope."

"That's so sweet," Nate's mom coos. I can tell she's touched that people love our love story as much as they do because if anyone is our biggest fans it's Nate's parents. They love us together and are so happy for us and I'm so glad they are.

"I also give my followers makeup tips for those who want similar makeup looks to mine, and I recommend them some of my favorite products that have made my life easier like Spanx and things like that," I explain.

"Spanx are a blessing," Nate's mom comments, and I nod.

"You can say that again."

"We're really proud of what you two have achieved and cannot wait to see what the future holds for you two," Nate's dad tells me and I smile.

"Thank you. I know with your support and encouragement, we will get far in life," I respond and he pulls me in for another hug, which I gladly return.

"Hey ladies and gentlemen," I hear someone say and recognize the voice immediately.

"Betty?!" I say surprised and pull away from Nate's dad to see my boss in the flesh. What is she doing here?

"What? Didn't you know? Edith and I are best friends," she tells me, pulling Nate's mom in for a side hug.

"No, I had no idea. Nate never told me," I admit.

"What didn't I tell you?" Nate asks as he approaches us and pulls me into his side, wrapping his arm around my waist possessively, and I'm not gonna lie, I love it. The way he just comes over and lays his claim on me, makes my stomach flutter. Sorry, not sorry.

"That your mom and my boss are best friends. That's what."

"Whoops. I guess I forgot to mention that," he says with a smug grin and rubs the back of his neck.

"Now I understand why you were able to convince Betty to let me go early for lunch all those times."

"He's lucky I'm fond of him," Betty tells me and I smile.

"I'm kind of fond of him too," I add and look up at him with the biggest smile.

"Just fond?" Nate asks me and I laugh.

"Something like that?" I say with a shrug and he squeezes my side, making me giggle.

"Okay, fine. I'm a little more than fond of you."

"Your love is sweetly sick," Betty comments, making us both laugh.

"Sorry, Betty. We can't help it sometimes," I admit embarrassed, feeling my cheeks blush.

"It's that damn honeymoon phase," Nate's dad says and we smile big from ear to ear.

"A Thousand Years" starts playing and I turn towards the makeshift dance floor to see that no one is dancing to my favorite Christina Perri song. How can people not want to dance to this song? It's so romantic and the perfect slow song. It's also the theme song for the wedding scene in Breaking Dawn Part 1, which makes it ten times better in my opinion, but then again I'm super biased because I was a huge Twihard in my teen years. I guess that sort of makes my opinion invalid.

"May I have this dance?" I hear Nate ask and turn back to see him holding out his hand to me.

"You may," I say, putting my hand in his.

"We'll see you in a bit," he tells his parents and Betty and they roll their eyes playfully, knowing full well we're going to be a good while before we make our way back to them. They know us too well.

He takes me out to the dance floor and kisses my forehead as we begin to slow dance. I sigh, feeling content to be in his arms again. He leads and I follow and this time I don't hesitate or mess up. Nate made sure to practice with me every single day leading up to the wedding day and he taught me well. In fact, he taught me so well, now I can dance to just about any song. Not just slow songs. And I owe it all to him.

"I was starting to think they were never going to give you back," Nate tells me and I laugh.

"I think your parents love me more than you do," I say playfully.

"Doubtful," he says with a smirk.

"I really missed you." My admission brings a smile to his face.

"We were only apart for a few minutes."

"I know but it felt like forever," I admit and he grins.

"It really did feel like forever," he says with a sigh. "Any time not spent by your side feels like an eternity," he tells me and kisses me, making me swoon. "Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" he asks me as he brushes a stray curl behind my ear.

"Not with your mouth but you definitely said it with your eyes when we were standing on the altar," I respond and he grins.

"I could say the same thing about you."

"I was not checking you out," I lie.

"Lies! And you know it," he responds amused. "You pretty much ate me up with your eyes."

"And I don't regret it. Not one bit," I admit unabashedly.

"Is that so?"

"It is," I say with a laugh.

"I love it when you laugh," he says and pulls me in for a kiss that does not last long enough. Not for my liking. I could kiss him forever if there weren't guests around us. "Your face lights up, making you look so beautiful."

"So what you're saying is I'm only beautiful when I laugh?" I tease him.

"Never. You are beautiful inside and out. You are absolutely stunning, gorgeous, and every adjective in the book and I am one lucky son of a gun to have a gorgeous woman like you by my side."

"Have I told you how much I love you, Mr. Carter?"

"You have but it can't hurt to hear it again," he says with a smug grin.

"I love you, Mr. Carter. More than you'll ever know."

"Keep going," he insists with a cute boyish smile.

"You are my whole world and no amount of words are enough to explain just how much I love you. Every day when I wake up, I feel thankful and like the luckiest girl in the world because I have an amazing man like you by my side and I wouldn't have it any other way. You are it for me."

"And I love you, Mrs. Carter. I love you so fucking much," he tells me and kisses me hard on the lips. I place my hand on the side of his face and kiss him with everything I have. When he pulls away, I lower my hand to his chest and smile when I get a glimpse of my gorgeous engagement ring and wedding band that sparkles beautifully under the fairy lights hanging above us.

"It's still hard to believe we're married," I tell him, remembering that crazy night in Las Vegas that happened only a little over two months ago, but feels like it just happened yesterday.

"You're not regretting it, now are you?" he asks me and I shake my head.

"I could never regret what turned into the most amazing day of my life. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat if I had to," I tell him because it truly was the most amazing day of my life.

"I would too. I'm so glad I wifed you."

"I'm glad you wifed me too, Nathaniel Carter," I say with a grin, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.

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