Their downstairs neighbor was a deaf old lady. 

Due to these lucky coincidences, their apartment was a hotspot for noise.

He got up, going to the bathroom and making himself presentable before meeting Della at the front door to get her and Porter's precious alcohol.


A few hours later he was sitting on the couch, slightly tipsy, with a girl from NYU sprawled across his lap, her head resting across him, on the couch.

He hated how she felt but he wasn't in the state of mind to push her off.

Their apartment was full of people, Kanye West blaring through the space as people danced around him. He spied Porter dancing with Della, slightly grinding up on her. He paused, shaking his head and closing his eyes. He probably imagined that.

"Yo, Eli! Come do shots!" He heard Jamie call him over.

He groaned, mustering up the strength to push the girl off him, onto the couch by herself, and staggering up to them.

He threw a shot of tequila down, while they cheered him on.

Eli was now passing the border between tipsy and drunk, but he did not want to be hungover the next morning, so he sauntered to his bedroom, stumbling in and closing the door behind him.

He barely sat on his double bed when someone threw the door open loudly and followed him into his room. He turned, eyebrows raised ready to kick them out, freezing when he saw who it was.

Carter had her usual bright smile on, she was in grey jeans and a white halter top. She had on a light pink teddy jacket thrown over her shoulders.

"Hi!" She said, coming closer to where he was sitting on his bed. Her eyes surveyed his black bed, moving to the grey walls, and then his plain black desk. She frowned. "Why is everything so dark?"

He ignored her question, "What are you doing here?"

"Della invited me, I just got here and saw you come in here so I came to say hi." She explained.

"Well, you said hi. You can leave now." He said, looking away from her.

Carter scoffed, not leaving. "What made you this way?" She asked, with interest, coming closer into his room.

"What way?" Eli got defensive.

"Why are you so rude?" She pushed.

"I'm not rude. I just don't waste my time on stupid things like small talk." He defended himself.

Carter said nothing. He was glad she wasn't talking for once. But then she did something worse.

She slid off the teddy jacket, down her caramel arms, throwing it on his plain black chair.

Eli gulped when his eyes subconsciously drew down to her cleavage. He noted that her top showed off a lot of skin. He didn't usually care what people wore; everyone was responsible for their own body and it was no one else's business. 

But, he was a straight guy, and he couldn't deny the physical attraction he felt for Carter.

She was still analyzing his room, not seeing him struggle.

His eyes darted down to her feet, ready to see her blue converse so that they would turn him off, frowning when he found pink socks with clouds on them instead. They were actually cute.

She flopped down in his chair, across from him, and had the audacity to throw her feet on his bed, right next to his thighs. He caught a whiff of her perfume as she pulled the chair closer to him.

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