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Ushijima Wakatoshi was a very intimidating alpha.

He wasn't the type to purposefully threaten people, though sometimes, particularly when he felt as though other alphas had ill-will towards him, he'd stand taller, breathe slower, and leave his inner alpha to do the rest.

He had no need to be overly aggressive. He knew his place and believed others should know theirs and stick to it.

Unfortunately, many didn't. Most omegas now were snappy and rude. They believed that they didn't need an alpha, or at the very least didn't want one. Many others would use their omega charms to manipulate an alpha to do what they desired. Very few omegas, like you, are content with the role you presented, and you seemed perfectly fine listening and obeying the alphas around you.

This was where his irritation stemmed from. You were all too willing to keel over for any alpha should they ask something of you. Tendou was a good example of this. He deemed you his girl best friend, and both of you often did things for the other. However, Tendou was an alpha, and sometimes he'd unknowingly put you into an "uncomfortable spot" so to speak.

Of course, you would continue on with what he asked of you, even though the first year alphas seemed to leer at you, even though the coach wasn't too happy about your presence during practice, and even though you knew you weren't entirely welcome. Because he was an alpha, and he was above you in the hierarchy.

It wasn't only Tendou though. He supposed that at least then it wouldn't be as bad and he most certainly didn't mind your presence, his alpha just wanted to pin you down somewhere and demand you bare your throat to him. He rather enjoyed having your eyes on them while they practiced. He wasn't one to flaunt, he knew he was the strongest on the team.

Everyone knew he was the strongest.

Sometimes though, when he'd slam the volleyball down particularly hard, or when they played against one another, he'd feel an unstoppable desire to unleash all his strength. He knew you were there. He could feel your eyes on him. He didn't need to look at you to get the message across, it was in the air, he knew that you realized what he was doing, after all, you should.

I'm the strongest.

He knew because occasionally, he'd hear a soft shaky inhale. Even if he was in the middle of a spike, he could sense your attention when it shifted onto him and he'd take full advantage of that moment to use his full strength to complete what he was doing, even if it was completely unnecessary. The first year didn't stand a chance, the blonde one that refused to leave you alone after practice. He didn't like his playstyle or his scent.

The blonde tripped over his own feet and ended up landing on his side. For a moment he stayed there but when he started to shift to get up, a growl froze him in his place. On the other side of the net, knees slowly lifting himself up, Wakatoshi Ushijima stood at full height.

He was terrifying.

His upper lip twitched and the dark shadow that had covered his eyes left when he shifted his head to stare down the arrogant first year. The pup had asked for the one on one, and though at first, he told the brat 'no', he kept insisting until Ushijima finally agreed.

There was no reason for the first year to be treated as though he was a serious opponent. There was no reason to play so roughly and with so much strength. There was no reason to snarl at the younger alpha male when he tried to get up, and there was certainly no reason for Ushijima to pin the boy down with a purposefully intimidating stare.

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