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It had been a whole week. One whole week you had done you best to avoid anything and anyone that could even be remotely involved with volleyball.

You avoided all coaches and sports students, especially the students. The girls who worshipped any and all jocks were also on the long list of those to avoid. There were also the cheerleaders and even the horse fields. You came to class exactly on time, keeping others from approaching you; and you packed your bag as soon as the teacher shut his book. All lunches were spent in hiding and you ran for your dorm as soon as the bell rang.

So far all your efforts appeared to be working.

You were glad for that, you insisted to your unimpressed omega, as you had every right to be.

His desire to court you didn't go completely unappreciated, you were at least flattered. However you had your studies and club activities to focus on, so you had no time to bend yourself out of shape to please an alpha you barely knew. Your omega vehemently disagreed and you wanted to smack yourself for acting so submissive and accepting of his rather rude offer. You should have just told him to drop the subject.

Despite his seemingly unmovable desires, you felt as though he would have respected your wish.

But of course you hadn't said anything, you had relied on instincts and depended on submission to get you through it. As you did for most of your problems.

However, the road one treks the most will soon be the only road one can take without struggling.

He knew which dorm you were in. Thankfully it appeared as though his matches and practice were keeping him busy, so you had luck in that regard. Hopefully it would stay that way and you wouldn't have to actually see him face to face again.

How foolish you were.

How completely naive to think an alpha like Ushijima Wakatoshi would simply let you hide.

He had practically ordered you to do something and you had directly disobeyed. He may have been busy that week but if he desired he could have gone over to your dorm.

He chose not to.

Mostly due to his schedule... and alphas who were rutting usually were barred from entering the buildings that omegas dorms were in. Of course there was also the fact that once he'd come out of his rut he'd had to face a crowd of furious people, one of which was the coach. He was apparently in trouble for fighting on school property, though they seemed understanding enough once he explained; they restricted the time allotted for practice, though normally students caught fighting would be suspended, he himself received only a warning.

So even if he had tried he wouldn't have made any leeway.

All that week however he was repeatedly scolded by everyone for coming on too strong and scaring away the only omega that had stuck around. Tendou appeared especially pissed, he seemed understanding enough, but in his own words-

"Did ya really need to break the blondies arm? Like- I get it, you've got those 'temperamental alpha issues' but seriously? That's a little extreme my man, especially from you!"

"I only broke his wrist." Ushijima replied, raising a brow at the red heads' words.

"Like that's any different! Really of all people, you seemed to have the most control of your alpha, and the first years have the nerve to call meee unpredictable! At least you'll be the center of the rumors for a while." He muttered while tying up a bag filled with volleyballs.

It was true that Tendou was usually at the center of gossip most days, but it wasn't due to his weird behaviors or even his appearance, instead the majority of the rumors were about his alpha and his scent. He certainly had an unusual scent, and that day when he'd gotten irritated, it had showed. His emotions swung wildly and intensely, was that his alpha's doing? Possibly, though it would not be surprising in the slightest, considering Tendou relied on his alpha for every decision; he claimed that if he didn't rely on his alpha he'd get worse at volleyball, although that could be debated. A lot of first years found pleasure in talking about their resident freakshow, through closed doors of course, no one wanted the volleyball yokai coming after them while they slept.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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