chapter five: team jacob

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the next day

i wake up engulfed in rodrick's arms. i try to pry myself free but he lets out a sleepy moan, causing me to remain still. after last night, i feel so much better about our relationship. i got so caught up on labeling it and i know that's not healthy, but i do feel better now that i have some sort of claim on him. friend. friend is good. we're friends.

his warmth comforts me and i scoot closer to him to take in more of his body heat. my feet are freezing from his fan blowing directly on me all night so i try my best to stick them back under the blanket. rodrick stirs in his sleep. i freeze in an attempt to not wake him up.

"tate?" he half whispers, groggily.


"im here" i whisper back. "you can go back to sleep, love."

"mm" he groans, rolling onto his back and spreading out in the starfish position.

i sigh. he's such a bed hog.

"rodrick, scoot over" i moan, poking his side.

"what?" he looks over at me with sleepy eyes.

i sigh again, laughing slightly. "scoot over"

"oh shit, sorry" he scoots to his side of the bed, scooping me up. "this better?"

my heart races and butterflies devour my insides.

"yeah" i answer, shakily. he traces circles on my arm, causing me to shiver.

"your morning voice is cute" rodrick chuckles softly.

"shut up"

he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer. he brings his lips to my ear.

"what was that?"

goosebumps cover my arms and legs. it takes every single ounce of my willpower not to turn around and- that's besides the point. i am quite literally trembling in his arms.

"r-rodrick" i mutter, trying to come up with a response.

"sorry" he sniggers. "are you hungry?"

the thought of food causes my stomach to rumble. he seems to hear it and begins to break away. i reach out, grabbing him.

"can we stay like this a little longer?"

he blushes.

i swear he goes so quickly from cocky to a nervous teenage boy.

"yeah, if you'd like"

i nod, and he envelops me in his arms once again. i sigh in contentment.

"what time do you have to leave today?" he asks hesitantly.

"before dinner. my dad gets back from his fishing trip then." i answer. "aren't your parents going to come down here?"

"no" he chuckles. "they normally just leave me alone until dinner. i sleep a lot"

i roll my eyes even though he can't see. of course he sleeps all day.

we have plenty of time today, but i find myself already upset over the fact that i have to go home. in the few weeks that i've known him, i've gotten so attached.

"we could watch another movie today if you want." he suggests, rubbing my arm gently.

i smile. "i'd like that."

after laying in his arms for several minutes, my lids fluttering shut a few times, rodrick gets up to make me breakfast, leaving me to pick a movie. i almost feel giddy. i laugh to myself. what's come over me?

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