I turned to Louis, who was sitting on the bench opposite me, sending him a smile. He flashed me a small one in return, shaking his head as if I was being a sappy mom. I didn't care, though. He deserved to know the truth.

The other guys hummed in agreement, the two guys sitting beside Louis patting him on the shoulder. "Thank you, guys, I appreciate it. I'll be back to kick ass soon enough," he chuckled, avoiding the glare Ryan shot him.

"Alright, guys. Off to the showers!" Coach announced, clapping his hands together before leaving the locker room.

Chatter erupted when he shut the door behind him, making it impossible to hear what anyone was saying. Niall was sitting beside me, stripping off his sweaty gear.

"You did great out there, Harry," he complimented sincerely.

A smile formed on my lips. "Thanks. You too, mate."

He rolled his eyes. "I meant you were great at being captain, idiot."

I looked down at my lap. "Louis' the better captain," I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

Niall looked over at the feathery-haired boy talking to Zayn and Trevor. "Louis' great, but you're good too. Coach should have made you co-captains."

I shook my head, looking up at him. "No. I'm happy being an alternate. Louis wouldn't be happy if he had to share the post."

"Nonsense," he scoffed. "I don't know what is going on between you two, but something has changed, and I'm pretty sure Louis wouldn't mind sharing anything with you. You're even sharing his car now," he chuckled, rolling his eyes.

I nudged him in the side, feeling my cheeks heat as I looked over at the blue-eyed boy across the room, who was now looking our way. "That doesn't..." I trailed off, my eyebrows knitted. "That's not true."

"Whatever you say, mate. Whatever you say."


The next few days, Louis and I talked more than we had in what seemed like forever. It finally felt like it did before my birthday party again, which meant he always lingered in the car after I had driven him home after school. It meant that he insisted on joining me to my work again, and it also meant that he made sure to include me in conversations he had with other people.

It felt amazing. Yet, I hadn't forgotten what Lottie told me at the diner the other day, nor what Louis had said about thinking no one cared about him. I had made sure not to bring it up since I knew he would only get reserved if I did. I figured I would have to wait until he trusted me and wouldn't get up and leave as soon as I asked him about it.

It was now Friday, a week after we had hung out at Niall's place, and Louis was finally allowed to take off the bandage and start using his foot without the help of crutches again. He was ecstatic about it. When he came back from the nurse, walking (but limping slightly) on both feet, he was beaming.

And his good mood lasted the entire day. When we met up at our lockers after the last class, as usual these days, he grabbed his bag from his locker and slung it over his shoulder, giving me a knowing look.

"See? Perfectly capable of carrying my own bag," he said, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm sure it's happy about that, given how badly you've been treating it the last couple of days," I chuckled.

He snorted, closing his locker. "I didn't lie when I said I never liked it, so it's used to the way I treat it."

I wanted to hit him for being so ridiculous, but I settled with letting out a bark of laughter. "I can't believe we're talking about a bag. It's not like it has feelings."

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