"Are you ready" Lauren says from behind knocking me out of my thoughts thankfully

"Yeah I just need my back pack" I said walking to the door where my backpack was hung up from the door of Lauren's room

I turned around to have Lauren push me against the door and attach her lips to mine while our lips moved in sync my hand moved to Lauren's hips to bring her body closer to me I start to get lost In the kiss

Till Lauren pulled away "let's go before my parents come up for us" she says opening the door and letting me go first

We walked down stairs to be greeted with good mornings from Lauren parents and younger siblings

I don't talk much when we leave Lauren's room before my mother passed she told me "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" and Lauren's parents weren't exactly my favorite don't get me wrong they are great people

it's just Lauren is so scared to come out to them that she keeps us a secret In front of our friends and family the only time we get alone is in her bedroom or if we go on a really far date this has been going on since the beginning of our junior year when I moved here with my father because we just couldn't stand the look of our old house without my mother in it

The only reason Lauren parents believe we are best friends is because she already has a boyfriend and has had one since before I moved here

"Alright we are going to head to school" Lauren's said bringing me out of thought I grabbed my bag and followed Lauren out the house

We got into Lauren's car and drove off seconds after Lauren had connected her phone she got a text message from Jackson witch she replied to at a red light

Witch brought me back to this morning "Lo" I said looking to my side while she focused on the phone then back to the road

"Yes Camz" she replied

"Did you have sex with him again" i flat out asked and looked in my lap not liking to express my feelings

No response but I guess that was enough of an answer for me

"Camila you know I have to at least once in awhile he is my boyfriend and he will get suspicious if I just deny him ever time he ask" I wish she would just just love me enough to not be scared of what her parents or anyone else though

"I know" I said looking out the passenger window in defeat

"Can you drop me off at the bridge I need to smoke before going to school and I'll walk the rest of the way" I asked kindly not making eye contact with the green eyed girl sitting next to me

"Yeah but I'm not leaving you I'll wait" she said stoping at the last light before talking the small street towards the bridge

"It's fine Lauren I want to be alone" I said knowing smoking and taking a walk alone is the best way to feel better

We came up to the bridge and Lauren just looked at me never unlocked the door so I could leave but just look at me I then had no choice but to look back at her with her piecing green eyes

"Are you mad at me" she asked taking her hand in mine

"No you know I just like being alone I'll see you at school" I lied waiting for her to unlock the door

"If you not mad then kiss me first" she smile bring a slight smile to my face I then pull her face in for a short kiss she then unlocks the door and says "see you later"

I pull the half joint from yesterday morning out my back pack along with the lighter Lauren got me with a picture of her on it so I'd never lose it

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