I meet some new friends

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The girl came running after Apollo Deva. She had long red curly hair. She was tall, taller then me but not taller then Apollo Deva. She had freckles just below her eyes which were light brown. She looked much older then me. 16 at the least. She broke the silence and said, "Apollo where did you go? Listen if you get your head chopp-" she gave me a quick glare. She continued, "Apollo who is this?" She said in a subtle voice. She kept looking at me. Looking up and down as if she was scanning me. I didn't know if my feelings were positive for the 2 people. I didn't even know who they were. Apollo said, "Alicia meet Sierra Leone, Sierra meet Alicia underchase". Alicia gave me a dirty look until she finally smiled and responded , "Nice to meet you. If I dare ask what are you doing here so early? It's 6 am! Aren't you supposed to get ready for school?". I didn't let her continue. "Aren't you supposed to be at home? Especially you Apollo Deva, you look younger then her" I said by nodding my head toward Alicia Underchase. Alicia then said "Sassy aren't you? Well I'm 15 and he's 13 and we have good reasons to be here. Where are you from? And what are you doing here? Don't you want to go back to your lovely home?" And at that moment she really pushed it. My face flushed red with anger. "I came here for reasons too you know. I ran away, I hate my life I used to live with a step mom and her stupid boyfriend while having no idea what I'm going to do with my life or how my life was like before those 2 idiots started "raising" me. I have no idea where my real parents are and right now I came to start a new life". "How are you going to do that you are in the middle of nowhere and right now you look like you have no idea what you are doing" said Alicia. I hadn't really thought about what I was going to do after. I never really thought it out, I just thought that I would run away and things would just flow. But I was wrong. Alicia was still looking at me waiting for a response when she said ,"Say now where did you get that bracelet?... Wait!". Her eyes lit up and she looked at me straight in the eye while saying, "Can I see your shoulder I know it sounds weird but can I?". And that is when I got really weirded out. I was wondering how she really was. How her personality was like, how she really acted, I didn't know what to do but something urged me to show her my shoulder so I did. I then said while pointing to the sword/bracelet," I found it here today. It wasn't here yesterday I almost slit Apollo's here throat". He then smirked and said,"You like me. Everyone does!". I then laughed and continued,"Well after I lowered the sword it turned into a bracelet I thought it might come in handy one day so I put it on my wrist". She then checked my shoulder specifically my right and said," You have the sign... Or at least I think it is. We will find out but know let's go". They started walking away and I was kinda dissapointed  I really did want to get to know them better. Apollo then turned around walking backwards and said," Well what are you waiting for an invitation? Well basically I just did give you one but that's not the point come on!" I didn't know if I should go or not but it then hit me. My senses came back and I thought about it for a while. There are 2 strangers I just met that invite me to go somewhere with them? They can kill me. But I also realized we are still kids what's the worst they can do? So I started running toward them.  After that we went to the store. They wanted to buy some items that they needed. I really wanted to get to know my 2 new "friends" especially Apollo. We were walking side by side in silence. When we finally reached the small corner store and Apollo finally said to me," Soooooo what brings you here?" I then replied ,"I hate my life so I came here you?" He then responded, " Well I'm a special kid. I have some problems with me for example I can read but I'm dyslexic. Sometimes the words fly off the page well look like they are or just get mixed up. I also have ADHD I can't concentrate on one thing. At all. My life is dangerous once you truly know me, and one day you will understand everything about me. It will make sense". We were down one of the aisles that had all sorts of treats. Alicia was all the way across the other side of the store we found that out when she yelled, "guys let's go. I got the stuff we need Sierra you are coming with us if you want. We made a house in that very forest where we met you. It's just a little farther let's go before the sun sets it gets dangerous at night. let's hurry". As it was getting dark me and Apollo were waiting for Alicia to pay. She was in a long line with kids that were buying candy. It was amusing, she had a annoyed look on her face. While we were waiting outside watching the sun set I was looking at Apollo. The way his eyes would glint in the sun was really unbelievable. It would make any girl fall for him. I'm a sucker for blue eyes. He caught me staring and said in a teasing voice , "What are you looking at?". I then blushed I think he could tell because then he started laughing. I then said, "Oh nothing. It's just your eyes. Their really how do I put this uh beautiful". I blushed like I have ever did before I could have sworn he was blushing too. I couldn't tell since I was looking at the dusty ground. He then laughed. He smiled and replied, "Thank's" I then looked up to notice that he was looking at me. My eyes hurt. They burned but I was hiding the pain with a smile. We locked eyes he then said, "Woah what just happened?" "What?" I replied? He then said your eyes they turned into a lovely - I mean nice blue". He then smirked I knew he said it on purpose. I couldn't help but smile. "Are you in a relationship?" He said. I replied ,"Nope and I never have been in a relationship, you?" "Same, I'm a loner! Sierra", we locked eyes,"yes" He was about to say something when Alicia burst out of the store saying,"run" Me and Apollo were confused ,"What's going on I said?" Alicia and Apollo gave each other a terrified expression,"they found us" said Alicia. I was confused ,"what's going on?" "We will explain after but now we gotta go now, now!" Said Alicia and in just seconds of time you could hear our feet thumping on the ground while running on top speed.

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