the day I almost killed someone

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Ok so before all that happened let me introduce myself. Hi my name is Sierra Leone and I'm just 13 year old girl in grade 8 usually called a loser. I have hazel brownish eyes although sometimes I swear they turn light blue, I also have brown wavy hair cut to my shoulders. My skin is tannish . I'm tall for my age and I love greek mythology, and based on the point of view of the divas at my school I'm ugly. My family was horrible. My dad I don't even know where he was but my step mom... God she was horrible she had blonde hair that was cut down to her shoulders and hated me. Her stupid boyfriend would come everyday and yell, break stuff and it would be horrible. So I just did what I wanted to always do. Run away. Which I had always thought about doing. I grabbed my 4 year old bag got my phone with its charger, a flashlight, a couple of sandwiches, along with 500 dollars in cash that looked like I found them in a puddle. I emptied the bag and put everything in. I put on my light blue aeropostale t shirt a blue hoodie and a pair of jeans. At 11 pm I put on my old addidas shoes which were I think my dad's and started running. I had no idea where I was going it was very damp and I just had to fall in a disgusting muddy puddle. I got up and ran to the forest. I stayed there for the night. It was damp and wet. The leaves were dripping drops of water that would fall on my face every now and then. I was leaning on a soaking wet log which looked like got bitten by something hideous. Then I dazed of to sleep. When I woke up it was sunny and bright, my muscles were tense and It was the worst sleep I have ever had. After a couple of minutes I heard voices. One of a girl and the other of a guy. I got up and jumped over the log and lay down while my eyes were showing. I was scared that there were people looking for me which I highly doubted but I couldn't take a chance. I saw something just a little bit farther from where I was laying. It wasn't there the night before. It was shiny,bright, and it was gray. I reached for it. There was a symbol just right above the handle. It looked a couple of years old. It was a lightning bolt. Then what had felt like a couple minutes I heard a boy's voice right above me saying, "Isn't it a little early for you to be out?" And at that moment I realized while I was admiring the handy work I completely dazed off. And I snapped I then jumped I had my bag waying down my shoulders and slashed the sword. I almost slit the boys throat until I realized what I was doing. The boys voice I recognized, it was the boy's voice I heard just a couple of minutes ago. He had black hair it was very messy. With pale white skin or what seemed to be pale judging by the lighting. He was smiling and his teeth were pearly white. A look of terror and excitement washed over his face. He was tall a little bit taller then me and you could see his muscles. He looked my age. But the first thing I noticed was his eyes. They were the brightest blue eyes I have ever witnessed. They flashed with green a couple of times but looked amazing. And to be honest he was kinda cute. He was still smiling we locked eyes for a couple of minutes until he finally said," Fiesty aren't ya? My name is Apollo Deva what's yours?" He took out his hand.  I lowered the sword, the sword miraculously turned into a bracelet. I put it on my wrist. While saying to Apollo Deva reaching out to shake his hand," Sierra Leone" I couldn't help but smile he was about to say something until we heard a voice. It was the voice of the girl who was with him.

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